Tsukishima (pt36)

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AN: guys I'm gonna be writing some of this chapter in Japanese, but how the Kanji would be pronounced (so what you hear out loud in when you listen to subbed anime) because I feel like it reflects the seriousness of the situation and a lot of weebs will probably understand what it means anyway.
If you want a translation i'll have it below the sentence!! The reason for it being in phonetic kanji (romaji) and not characters and symbols is because it's easier for those that aren't Japanese to hear in their minds when they read, which is the point.
Also- I'm only partially Japanese so I'm not the greatest with characters anyway, still learning! Apologies in advance if i make any spelling mistakes, i'm not doing any spell checks because I'm meant to be revising right now...
Anyways, thankyou for all the support and reads- I don't know why I had to make everything sad lmao there's so much angst creeping into the story... if it reflects how the world is? Idk! On with the story!

"Mom?" the blonde boy called as soon as he got home.
"Where are you??" he yelled, when he was met with silence.

"Okasān?" he asked at the sight of his teary mother.
"Mom?" he asked at the sight of his teary mother.

"Nani ga okotte iru?" he asked, beginning to panic.
"What's happened?" he asked, beginning to panic.

Why are you crying?" he continued as he crouched in front of the chair his mother was sat at.

"Kei." his mother finally answered shakily.


"Watashi... wa gan wazuratte imasu." she spoke.
"I... have cancer." she spoke.

Tsukishima's heart dropped as thoughts raced around his mind that he couldn't control. He was biting his tongue to distract him in order not to sob because he knew that he had to stay strong for his mother.

"Okasān, doko? Itsu shirimashita ka??"
"Mom, where? When did you find out??"

"In my liver. I only found out today when I had my check up. But it's okay, I'm going to be going for treatment." she spoke gently as she wiped the rest of her tears.
"Otōsan!!" Tsukishima yelled.
"Dad!!" Tsukishima yelled.

"It's okay baby, he's packing our bags."

"Baggu? Nani? Nande desu ka?"
"Our bags??? What? Why?"

"To go to America. For my treatment." she spoke.
"Why can't you get treatment in Japan? I thought they did that here too."
"Japanese treatment takes longer and is less effective in avoiding the cancer coming back. I want to get this over and done with." she reasoned.

"Okay... I'll go and pack." Tsukishima nodded and began to turn around.

"Kei. Only your father and I are going. I would take you and your brother if I could, but we don't have the money for that. We barely have enough money for my treatment." she said weakly.


"It'll only take an estimate of a year and a half to complete chemotherapy and biological treatment, then I can have surgery."
"That's basically two years Mom. That's a long time."
"I know sweetheart, that's why we're leaving tonight."

"Tonight? So I won't see you for almost two years after this day?"

What if it doesn't go well? This may be the last time I see my mother...

"It's okay sweetheart, time will fly faster than you know! You can have some friends over if you're ever bored, Tadashi-chan is a good influence, I know he'll keep you from throwing destructive house parties whilst we're away." she smiled.

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