Part 3

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He was laying beneath the tree, with his eyes closed, giving a satisfied hum as he felt Night stroke the top of his skull. "I missed you..." he said waiting for the hallucinations response, "Why? I am right hEre?" 'Nightmare' asked, his voice glitching slightly. Dream glanced at his creation, he knew it wasn't healthy to do this, but he really missed him. He laughed, it was a dry and humorless sound, "Yeah! You're right here! hehe!" he said as he began to cry, "Right here with me! hehehe! *sob* and you're not leaving!" he looked up at the Nightmare he had made, he knew it wasn't an exact match to how Night used to look, not even his voice was the same, but it had been years since he had seen THAT Nightmare, the one that loved him...

Did he love him? Did his brother ever love him? He began to cry harder at the thought. "W-why did y-you *sob* leave m-me?" he stuttered out, "WHY D-DID YOU L-LEAVE ME ALONE!" he shouted at it, he noticed that it no longer resembled his brother anymore, he watched in horror as it crumbled to dust, "N-no... NO!" he fell to his knees, desperately clawing at the dust, as though hoping to find some form of his brother in the pile of ash.

"N-no! Y-your not a-aloud to leave me! P-please, N-nightmare, d-don't leave me-" he was screaming, begging for his brother to come back, but he wasn't. Because Nightmare hates him. "I-I'm sorry... P-please, d-don't leave me a-alone again... Please..." he begged, "I p-promise to be a better brother, p-please..." he could feel something leaking down his arms, he didn't bother to check.

"I d-don't want to be alone a-again..."

Dream woke up, gasping for air. He was shaking terribly, sobbing into his hand for the second time that night, he glanced at his arms and realized he had opened his cuts in his sleep. He looked around before his eyes landed on a piece of paper on his bedside table.

Dear Dream,

Since you haven't been sleeping well lately, Blue and I thought it would be best if you slept in, don't worry about anything, Lux is with Violet, PJ and Grey, there's breakfast in the fridge, grab the one with your name on it 'cause Blues been having some really weird cravings lately. Don't forget to take your anti-depressants. (In the medicine cabinet, next to Blues anxiety meds) Please take care of yourself, you have the whole day off, I'll be home as soon as I can, I just have some errands to run and Blues at Sci's, he might be back before me, or not, I really don't know.

Love, Ink!     

Dream couldn't help but smile as he read the note, and to think, he and Blue had moved back in to take care of Ink after he and Error broke up, and yet it seems it was Ink who was taking care of him. With that thought in mind, he got out of his bed and went to go clean his cuts, using the special saline solution Violet had made for him, and wrapped up his wounds as tight as possible, but still lose enough that it didn't hurt him.

He found his anti-depressants right where Ink said they were, and took the amount he was supposed to take, but a small voice in the back of his mind, (which he knew wasn't Shattered's), told him to take more, if this small amount made him feel better, then what would happen if-

No, he scolded himself, You would overdose dumbass, he thought. Killing himself would only make things worse, not to mention the fact that it would hurt his friends. His whole job was based on making others happy, but he could tell his friends weren't, and he knew it wasn't his fault, they had told him that so many times, and he knew they weren't lying, he knew that they loved him, whist the villagers only 'loved' his aura.

But he couldn't help but feel partially responsible for this. Why couldn't he do better. Why couldn't he be better. That way they would have one less thing to worry about, that way they'd be able to focus on something more important. He took a deep breathe, these thoughts were suffocating him. He tried to shut them out, by they only grew louder.

He slowly walked downstairs to the most used kitchen in their house. He felt like he was being dragged down by some imaginary chain. He opened the fridge and scanned its contents, two stacks of pancakes, one was half eaten and appeared to have chocolate source, marshmallows and... Pickles? Dream laughed quietly to himself as he reached for the other plate, this one had banana slices, maple syrup and strawberry's. He sat down at one of the four stools that where placed on the other side of the island and began to eat. The food was still warm, meaning Ink had left not to long ago. Dream took a moment to inhale the sweet scent before taking a bite, he immediately recognized the flavour, it tasted just like the ones Nightmare used to make for him, he remembered telling Ink the recipe about six years ago. Every now and then, when he was sad or upset, or in this case depressed, Ink would make him these special pancakes.

He felt himself begin to cry, Ink who was known for being forgetful, had remembered such a little thing, from six years ago, that seemed like enough proof that he truly cared about him, and not his aura. He knew at times his friends would doubt their love for him, but he was always there to tell them otherwise. Funny, it used to be the other way around.

He made another mental note to write Inks name into his book.

Reasons: 2             

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