Part 7

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Once again, sorry for taking so long.

"I love you Nighty!" He remembers saying that so many times as a child. And only now did he come to realise how little he would hear it back.

"Uh, huh..." His brother would roll his eyes as he gently turned the page.

The youngest faltered. "You gotta say it back!" He remembered saying in a vain attempt to gain his brothers love.

Nightmare growled. "Okay then!" The smaller brightened immidietely, "I 'loooove' you! So, so much!" The negative guardian said in his most sarcastic voice before walking away.

Dream could still remember how much those few words had hurt him. How many times he would lie awake, questioning his brothers love for him.
And now he stood before the eldest, once again, he watched him in nothing more then fear. He took a deep breath, trying to steady himself.

He was scared.

Ink noticed his fear and held out his hand for him. Dream smiled and gladly took it. "It's gonna be alright..." The artist said, "I won't let him hurt you..." The guardian smiled weakly. Both knew that no matter what they did, Nightmare would always find a way to harm them.

The fight was bloody. Since it was just the two of them fighting, they had to be extra careful. Dream, against Inks wishes, went straight for his brother.

Nightmare chuckled darkly as his brother came at him. He used one of his tentacles to grab him then threw the younger guardian into the ground. Dream weakly stood, stopping only to catch his breath. He quickly checked himself for injury.

A small crack on the back of his skull, but nothing more. He summoned his arrows and fired, using only the weaker ones. He refused to harm his brother. Nightmare growled as the arrows flew his way.

"DREAM! LOOK OUT!" The positive guardian heard Ink cry. He had been so focused on his brother that he had forgotten about their other opponents. He let out a strangled scream as he was hit, he landed on the forest floor. He wasn't knocked out, just in shock. Then the pain started again. He continued to scream and cry as he was beaten.

He closed his eyes, trying to will himself to pass out. Through his pain, he distantly remembered begging for his big brother to help him. He wanted his big brother. He just wanted his brother. "N-Nighty... P-please... It... It h-hurts..." He cried weakly as he began to slip into unconsciousness.

He heard screaming. Was he screaming? He didn't know. He gasped out in pain as he was lifted up. His first thought was to fight them, to protect himself.

"Shhhh... Dreamy, it's okay...." He heard. He calmed down immediately. "I-Inky...?" He asked, attempting to open his eyes. "I'm here... It's okay..." He heard Ink whisper. He sounded sad, the smaller tried to comfort him.

Ink smiled. "We're safe now, okay?" He said. "You just need to stay awake..." He whispered desperately. "P-please... Dreamy, stay awake..." His voice sounded far away. It confused him. "I-Inky... I'm t-tired..." He murmured. The taller began to panic. "N-No! Dreamy, y-you have to s-stay awake okay? Y-you have to stay awake!"


Sorry it's so short, and sorry it took awhile. 😔 I really hope you enjoyed, and I will try to update soon.

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