Part 5

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"Dandelion?" a soft voice whispered waking him from his slumber. "Inky..?" He said tiredly. "Is to.... Early..." Dream murmured.
"I know, I know, I'm sorry..." Ink said quietly. "But your bandages came lose and you wouldn't hold still long enough for me to fix it..." He whispered to the positive guardian. "Oh..." Was all the smaller said. "We fix later..." Dream murmured, "Cuddles first..." He said making grabbing motions with his hands.

Ink sighed. "Fine... But you need to let me fix it later okay?" He asked. Dream frowned. He could tell his friend was stressed. His work had doubled since he and Error broke up. Not to mention he was also raising two kids on his own, housing his closest friends, helping Blue get ready for when the baby comes, helping to take care of Lux and looking out for Dream.

"Dreamy...?"Ink said in surprise as the smaller flipped them so he was on his stomach, beneath him.
"Wha-what are you doing???" He asked with a light rainbow hue. "You do so much for us... For me.... And I wanna return the favour!" He said as he slowly massaged Inks tense joints.

He felt the artist grow stiff below him. He moved his hands to his move sensitive parts of his ribs and started rubbing. He heard Ink gasped as he slowly but surely relaxed beneath his weight. "O-oh... T-thats feels good~" he said as he felt himself drift away. Dream smiled. "I'm glad!" He said.

He continued to massage him until he was sure Ink was alseep. Dream stayed just a little while longer to gaze at Inks peaceful face. The two of them dated years ago. And neither had quite gotten over it. Sometimes, Dream would question his love for Cross. And though no one could deny the two cared deeply for each other, Dream often found his thoughts straying to his closest and best friend.

Sometimes, he would picture what it would be like if he could date both of them. He loved them both so much. But you couldn't date more then one person.... Right?

He wondered into the kitchen, head full of thoughts. Was it possible to date more then one person? If so how would it work? Would the two of them even feel the same way???

Dream was forced out of the mental torture he put himself into, when he felt two strong arms wrap around his torso. He giggled. "Crooooss! You scared meeee!" He said dragging out same of the words.

Cross laughed. "Sorry Sunflower~" he said picking Dream up bridal style and gently placing him on the couch. "What's on your mind Dreamy?" He asked softly. The smaller frowned. "I... I want to ask you something..." He said. Cross smiled, "What do you want to know..." He said. Dream made a face. His first thought should have been; 'Can more then one person date each other at the same time...?' but instead it was: "What does 'WAP' mean?" He asked innocently. He had heard Red say it to Blue once, and was quite interested in what it meant.

Cross blushed and stuttered. "Wh-where did y-you hear that w-word...!?" He asked desperately. "Why? Is it a bad word?" Dream asked. Cross looked away from his innocent stare. "S-sort of y-yeah...." He said. Dream shrugged. "Okay!" He said before frowning again. "H-hey... Crossy...?" He said nervously. " it p-possible to date m-more then one p-person...?" He said shaking. What if Cross didn't want to be with him after this? What if he thought he was wierd? What if...? If....?

More thoughts filled Dreams head as he began to tear up."Dreamy! Dreamy it's okay!" He heard Cross say. "It's called 'poly' it's were three or more people are in a romantic or- uh... Sexual.... Relationship...." He said he said hesitantly.

Dream stared at him. "Can we do that." He blurted out without thinking. Cross turned a deep purple, whilst Dream realised what he had said. "I'M SORRY! I DIDN'T MEAN TO- OH, MY STARS, IM SORRY!" He said freaking out. Cross cut him off by kissing him deeply. "Who." Was all he said as he pulled away. "I...uhh-" Dream stuttered trying to find the right words to answer the simple question. "It's okay..." Cross whispered, kissing his temple.

"Ink..." Dream murmured. "It's... It's Ink..." He said somewhat disappointed with himself. "Ink?" He heard Cross muse. "I could get behind that~" he said. "W-What...?" Dream asked. "I-I SAID I WOULD LOVE THAT TOO!" He said. The smaller smiled. "R-really...?" He asked. Cross smiled down at him. "Y-yeah..." He said.

(So this was where this went... Please like it 🙏 I'm calling the ship 'Creamedink' tell me if you like it!!

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