Part 8

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Dream whimpered, laying on the forest floor. The villagers were no longer satisfied with the small bubble of positivey he would provide for them. They were cold and angry. But they said they'd stop. That they wouldn't hurt Nightmare if he would just play one simple game. At the time, the smaller saw no harm in this.

How was he supposed to know they wouldn't keep to their word? That they wouldn't stop, no matter how hard he tried. So now, he layed, sobbing in the dirt, clawing desperately for someone, anyone, to find him.

Through his pain, he weakly remembered calling out for his brother. But if his negative counterpart could hear him, he did nothing to help.

So, he continued to lay there. Cold and scared. He couldn't do anything. It hurt to move, and he felt like he was dying. "Even that would be better than this..." He murmured through his misery. He wondered if his brother was feeding of his negitivity. That thought made him happy, then he scolded himself. The positivity hurt Nightmare, the sadder he was, the happyer his brother was.

That's why he was here right? To make Nightmare happy...?

"Dream..." He heard a voice calling out for him. He didn't remember hearing someone else appearing in this memory. What he did remember was forcing himself to stand and almost blacking out from the pain.

"Little brother..." Dream heard the voice again, he whimpered. "Nightmare...?" He pleaded, begging for it to be true, had his brother come to his aid? Was he going to be loved again????

"No, Dreamy..." The voice said, sadly. Once again the guardian whimpered. Then suddenly, his pain was gone. He was sitting in a black void, with a simple golden orb in the centre. "You need to stop doing this to yourself..." Shattered scolded, caressing the smallers face before pulling him into a hug. "I-I'm sorry..." He responded, crying into his brothers shoulder.

Shattered hushed him. "You did nothing wrong Dreamy..." He said, staring at him like a parent would their child. Like how Nightmare would look at him all those years ago. Dream whimpered at the painful reminder as Shattereds tentacles wrapped themselves around him in a gentle, calming manner. Almost like the guardian was a fragile little child. And in Shattereds eyes, he was.

His goopy counterpart smiled sadly as he wipped a stray tear from Dreams eye socket and proceeded to softly place his forehead against his brothers. "You owe them nothing..." He reminded his little light, "And they owe you everything..." Shattered said in a hushed voice, smiling down at him.

Dream smiled. "T-thank you..." He said as he started crying again. Shattered was his family. Shattered cared about him...

He made a mental note to add Shattered to his list.

"Anything for you, my light..." He responded kindly. And he meant it, he didn't want Dreams aura, nor anything else the other had offered him. He truly care for his brother. His little light...

"I need to wake up soon... Don't I..." Dream said, glancing up at his brother. Shattered sighed before nodding. "Inks gone crazy with worry, and Cross hasn't left your side..." Though he sounded upset, he couldn't help the twitch in the corner of his mouth, showing how much he approved of them.

Dream sighed. "I guess I have to go now..." He murmured. He didn't want to leave. He liked being with Shattered, and he didn't want to leave him alone...

His brother smiled. "It'll be alright..." He reassured him. "I'll be okay..." Dream smiled at his words. And, with one last goodbye, and a very long hug, the guardian woke up.

Reasons: 5

(Right, sorry it's so short again, I am working on making the chapters longer. But for now... I don't know. Anyway! We now have protective-older-brother Shattered, who would have torn Nightmare limb from limb if not for the fact that he has Dream holding him back. Anyway, hope you enjoyed!

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