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"So the lion falls in love with the lamb. What a stupid lamb. What a sick, masochistic lion."

When I get home, the house is empty and quiet. The car ride was quiet with Roman. The air was tense and I could definitely feel that he wanted to say more, but I'm sure he didn't want to push more of the life altering news.

I throw my purse on the couch and trudge to my room. I unzip my dress that I'm still in from last night and take a shower only washing my body to avoid my head wound. I change into fuzzy pants and a t shirt. I slid into my bed and my muscles instantly relax as if knowing I'm about to rest.

I cuddle into my comforter and try to keep my mind from wandering to the many possibilities of my future. When I wake up, the sun is just starting to go down and I hear the tv playing. I check my phone and I have no messages. I at least thought Roman would say something.

I sigh looking at my phone and plop the dreadful tracking government tool on my bed stand. I walk into the bathroom and suddenly feel very sick. "What the fuck..." I look at myself in the mirror and I am paler than the dead. A piercing pain shoots through my stomach and leaves a burning sensation all over my abdomen. I fall against the wall and use it for support. I limp back to my room and my phone is going off. I answer and hear frantic breathing on the other end. "Val! Are you ok!? I felt a bunch pain and then you didn't answer your phone the first times I called..." He rambles on and a whimper sneaks out of my mouth when the pain intensifies. The last thing I hear is "I'm on my way."

Roman hangs up and within five minutes the front door is busted open and a pair of feet rush to my room. "Don't go in there! She is resting!" I hear Liv say and one growl from Roman is all it takes to shut her up. Roman opens the door and strides to my side.

He lifts me into his arms with ease and holds me to his chest. The tingles spread through my body and numb the pain slightly, but the pain is still sharp enough to cause tears to prick my eyes. I bury my face in Roman's chest and his scent smothers my senses. He is like my own personal drug.

"W-what's wrong with her?" Liv asks holding Jessie and Roman starts to rub my back. "I'm pretty sure I know what it is, but this could be a side effect of losing a lot of blood and having a head injury." Roman says and Liv sits down on her bed.

"Will sissy be ok?" Jessie says and I sit up to nod, but the pain intensifies. "In time she will be." Roman says pulling me back against him. The front door bell rings and Olivia goes to open it. "How did you get here so fast?" I ask cuddling into him more. "I ran all the way here." He says and pets my head.

The woman from the night before, that I now know as his mom, walks in with Liv hot on her heels. "Oh sweetie! Can you darling go put some sugar in some water and bring it here?" She asks looking at Liv and she nods. "Sugar water?" I ask moving into a more sitting up position. "Sugar water helps keeps your blood pressure up. I'm sure you're beginning to feel weak all over." She says and Liv comes rushing back in with the water.

I take the cup and sip on it trying not to gag at the sweetness. "So you know what's wrong with me?" I ask gingerly sipping on the water. She presses her lips into a sad line and nods. "You guys haven't mated yet and your animalistic sides are wreaking havoc on your primal urges." She says and I feel my cheeks turn red. Liv quickly exits the room and Roman's mom laughs.

"What can we do to ease her pain?" Roman asks and tightens his grip on me. "If she isn't ready for mating, there is always marking..." She says and I furrow my brows. "Marking?" I ask and she sighs. "Marking is the first step of mixing our souls back together. I...bite you and parts of our souls transfer to each other." Roman says and his eyes turn a shade darker.

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