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When I wake up, my eyes slowly try to open, but bright light is pouring into the room making my eyes sensitive. I put my hand up to block some of the light and see that there is an IV in my arm. "What the.." I say and look at my wrist. It's bandaged with a white cloth all over my forearm. I look around and see that I'm in a regular bedroom. All the furniture is quite dark and the bed I'm in even has black silk sheets.

The door opens and Roman walks in. His suit is all disheveled and his tie isn't on anymore. He looks at me and his eyes widen. He opens the door and motions for someone to come in. A doctor comes in and Roman sits next to me looking very concerned. I try to sit up, but the fast movement makes my head swim. Roman is quick to help me and moves my body slowly so I'm sitting up.

The doctor takes my blood pressure and checks my temperature. "You don't have a fever, so that means no infection. And your body has replenished the lost blood quicker than I expected. Your head injury is what I worry about. Do you remember what happened and your name?" The doctor asks and I nod.

"I remember everything." I say with a dry voice and Roman hands me water. "How do you feel though?" Roman asks and holds the water cup for me. "Like I got drained of most of my blood." I say and and gently touch my head. "What did the guy mean about my blood?" I ask and Roman looks at the doctor. With one look the doctor leaves.

"Do you know what you are Valeria?" He asks and I furrow my brows. "There is a legend my mom used to tell me when I younger. It was said that the moon goddess gives one person every 500 years the power to take away a supernatural's powers that isn't born supernatural if they drink their blood. That person is supposedly a descendant of the moon goddess herself since she has the power to give or take power. Your blood last night...healed the vampire and turned him human...I think you are the legend." He says and runs his hands through his hair.

I feel my heart rate pick up as I process all of this. "I'm not even supernatural though." I say and he holds my hand gently. "I think it makes sense that you aren't supernatural. I mean think about it. Your power is to take away power." He says and my neck and wrist start burning.

I yelp and Roman looks scared. He yells for the doctor and the doctor comes rushing into the room. "She yelped and now she is crying. What's happening to her?" Roman asks as a command. "I don't know Alpha." The doctor says and she trembles scared that Roman will do something to her for not knowing.

"It's my wrist and neck." I say threw clenched teeth. The doctor comes over to my neck and gasps. "What?" I ask getting scared. "The old bite marks are gone, but there is a light grey moon where the marks used to be..." She mumbles in disbelief and starts unwrapping my wrist. I wince as she takes no care to be gentle and Roman growls. She gulps and slows down.

"Oh my goddess. You're the legend." She says and I look at my wrist and the bite marks are gone and replaced with another light grey moon. "Your blood healed that vampire and whoever else has biten you. And now you have the tattoos of the living'." She says like she is quoting something.

"The legend says that when the chosen one is biten, they will have tattoo like marks for every person they "help"." Roman says using air quotes. "This is a lot to take in...can we drop this until we know for sure?" I ask looking at Roman with pleading eyes. I'm not sure how we will know for sure, but I need to just not think about this right now.

Roman nods and his eyes cloud over like he is in a trance. I look at the doctor and her eyes are also cloudy. When her eyes go back to normal, she takes out my IV and leaves. Roman helps me stand up because I haven't gone to the bathroom since yesterday afternoon and I am feeling the repercussions.

As I stand up, I feel very wobbly and fall into Roman's chest and he just holds me tightly to him. As he helps stabilize me I swear he sniffs me. He helps me walk to the bathroom and I hold the wall once inside. Suddenly, memories come back from last night. I remember him and I think his mom talking.

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