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I wake up to the sound of Harry Styles blasting throughout the house and the walls slightly shaking from how loud it is. I stand up and the cold wooden floors shock my feet. "Jesus fucking Christ." I say and look for the closest socks to me. I slip them on and walk out into the living room.

"Turn it down a bit so we don't get the cops called on us please." I have to yell over the music. Skyler turns it down enough that the house isn't shaking anymore. "Thank you." I say and Olivia is dancing with Jessie and teaching him how to twerk. "Liv he is four." I say picking him up so he stops.

"He needs to help with the bills too." She says with a coy smile and I smack her arm. "Pancakes or waffles?" I ask Jessie. "Waffles!" He practically screams and I set him on the counter. "Waffles it is." I grab the pre-made pancake mix and add eggs and water. I grab the waffle skillet and start to warm it up. I whisk everything together as it warms up and I add vanilla extract. I make a few waffles and give one to Jessie.

"It smells good in here." Olivia says and sits at the counter and Skyler joins her. I place a waffle on a plate for each of them and make the rest of the batter. I look at the clock and see that it is 1:36pm. "Liv you know that ball I told you about?" I say while pulling a waffle out of the press.

"Yeah the one for our local pack." She says grabbing another waffle. "It's tonight. I know it's last minute but can you watch Jessie. I can pay a babysitter if you already have plans." I ask her hopefully. "Nah I will do it. I want pizza for dinner though." She says taking a big bite. "You got it." I say and take the last waffle off the press.

I eat some waffles and watch a Disney movie with Jessie to pass time until I should start getting ready. After the movie, I take a shower and deep condition my hair so it looks extra soft tonight. I let my hair air dry into my natural curl pattern and start applying all my makeup.

I go for a soft Smokey eye look and a natural lip color with gloss. I slide into the off the shoulder dress I got with Jason and suck everything in. I zip up the dress and do a little spin in the dress. I look at the clock and see I'm a little early. I go to the living room where Liv and Skyler are and do a spin for them.

"Oooooo! Hottie." Liv says and Skyler claps. "I have a little extra time should I change my hair?" I ask and Liv tilts her head looking at me. Skyler gets up and pulls Bobby pins out of her purse. "I think a low curly bun is appropriate." She says and pulls the hair tie out of her hair. She pulls my hair into a ponytail and pulls some hairs out to frame my face. She then takes individual sections of my hair and wraps them around the elastic into and effortless looking bun.

"Oh my-...It's beautiful I say looking in the mirror on the wall. Skyler does a little bow and sits on the couch. I look at the clock and see that it is 6:20pm. "Shit!" I say and run to my room to put my heels on. I hear the door bell ring and the front door open. I grab my nicest purse and stuff all the essentials into it.

I try to calm my nerves, but my heart is hammering in my chest for some reason. I take a deep breath before I round the corner and when I see him I swear my breathing stops. He is wearing a dark grey tux with a dark blue tie that matches my dress perfectly. Liv is wiggling her eyebrows at me and Skyler is making fake moaning faces.

I realize I haven't moved in a while when Liv starts walking toward me trying to signal me to do something. "You look beautiful." He says and smiles. "You too. Uh wait no I mean handsome." I say and I feel my cheeks heat up from thoroughly embarrassing myself.

"He is hot!" Liv says in a whisper she thinks only I can hear, but doesn't remember about werewolf hearing. He chuckles and her eyes widen in embarrassment. I take 40 bucks from my purse and hand it to Liv. "Please get Jessie to bed by 8." I say and she nods.

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