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"Val I'm hungry." Jessie says walking into my room I share with sister Olivia. I sigh and get out of my warm bed. "What are you cravin'? I got orange juice on my way home last night." I say and his face lights up. His favorite drink is orange juice and I don't get it often since it's usually expensive and isn't super great for you.

I walk with him to the kitchen and help him pour a glass. "You need protein too though." I say tickling his tummy. He giggles and I open the fridge. "Eggs or Greek yogurt?" I ask and he makes an exaggerated thinking face like he isn't just going to say eggs like he always does.

Olivia walks in and yawns. "What's for breakfast sis?" She asks and takes a sip of Jessie's orange juice. "Hey!" Jessie exclaims. "I love you too." Olivia says and sits at the counter. "Eggs and toast." I say and scramble a bunch of eggs.

I put some eggs in front of Jessie and he starts eating with his hands. "Jessie. Use the fork remember." I say and he huffs. I give Olivia her eggs and give her a slice of toast. "Is that another tattoo?" I ask Olivia and she shrugs. "Olivia you know I love your tattoos, but please remember future bosses aren't as understanding." I say cleaning the dishes in the sink. "Ok mom." Olivia says and looks up with regretful eyes.

"Get ready for school." I say and she quickly eats the rest of her food. She knows how hard I work and knows that I hate comments like that. "You are a mess." I say to Jessie and he just laughs. I put his leftover juice in the fridge and pick him up.

"Can you make me breakfast?" Chris asks. Obviously he has a hangover and is exhausted from the looks of it. "I have to get Jessie ready for preschool." I say and he sighs. "I always have to do everything." He says under his breath and throws back Jessie orange juice. I turn around thinking I'm going to put him in his place, but remember it literally won't do anything.

I turn back and clean Jessie all up for preschool. I grab Jessie's backpack and carry it. "Olivia let's go!" I yell and she hurries down the stairs shoes in hand, trying to adjust her belt. We get in the car and I drop Olivia off first. "Hey I'm sorry about earlier. I will see you tonight." She says and shuts the passenger door.

I drive to Jessie's preschool and walk him to his classroom. I hang up his backpack and sign him into attendance. "I love you bubba." I say and he hugs me. "Love you sissy." He runs off and plays with a little girl. "Is he yours?" An attractive man asks after walking over to me. "Yes...wait no. I'm his sister." I say correcting myself and he chuckles lightly. "I'm Dimitri." He extends his large hand and I take it slowly noticing he is checking me out.

"I'm Valeria." I say and he smirks. "I guess I will see you next time, Valeria." He says emphasizing my name. I feel my cheeks heat up slightly and walk back to my car. I drive back home and sleep for as long as I can before I have to get ready for my nightly shift.

When I wake up Jessie is already back home. The little girl I'm assuming he played with earlier is Anastasia and her mom gives him a ride home everyday. "How was school today bubba?" I ask walking into his and Chris' room.

"I learned a new word! Wanna know what it is?" He squeals. "Of course." I say as excitedly as I can manage. "Gregarious." He says and I'm a little taken aback. "It means you like having a lot of friends! I'm gregarious." He says proudly and I laugh.

"Yes you are." I say and rub his head. I stand up and get all ready for my shift at the 24/7 diner down the road. I get all dressed up in the cute little waitress outfit and grab my roller skates.

As I'm about to leave Olivia comes home and looks absolutely exhausted. "There is some money in my bra draw. Order yourself some pizza or something. Make sure to get something for Jessie too please." I lift her chin and hug her tightly. "Love you." She says. "Love you more." I say and walk to my car.

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