It's Gonna Be Okay

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The still body of his wife made no moment in the dark room . He stared at her face which didn't look peaceful and slowly carresed her tear-stricken face . The faint light that peaked through their curtains , illuminated on her face making her look like a goddess.  Percy slowly moved his hand on her palm and traced those scar , some very old and some that she got just a few weeks ago.

His hand reached her fingers and he intertwined them together . Spotting the diamond ring on her ring finger , a smile creeped up his face as he saw a similar ring on his finger. Annabeth's other hand was lying on her stomach and immediately his smile turned into a frown . 

He knew being a demigod was not easy and he had always , either begrudgingly or by acceptance , understood that . But what happened was wrong , the gods promised to protect the demigods now that they have grown up . Percy cursed the fates , he hated what had happened and hated what he did . 

Yes,  what was done was wrong and became a broken promise, but he hated his hatred get too strong . He remembered that look , it was the same one she had in tartarus,  but this time it was even more broken . It was like a face of losing someone , and Percy knew that's something Annabeth fears .

With a sigh,  he got out of bed and walked outside of their bedroom . He walked as the fluffy carpet under his foot somehow soothed his mind . He stopped in front of their other bedroom and looked at it . Being brave , he slowly placed his hand on the door nobody and opened the door. The room was just like they had left it with the toys and the books , the little lava lamp and the small crib in the corner 

Which was now empty...

Percy can't take it anymore . A few tears of his own slip down his cheek . He hated what was happening , why was this happening . He wanted to rip something apart everytime he thought of how heartbroken Annabeth was or wanted to smash something in the wall everytime he thought of his child

The child , who now,  Percy can never hold..

He decided to sleep in their guest room like the many times he had . Going over to Annabeth , he slowly kissed her forehead before leaving but stopped as she grabbed his hand

"Don't leave me alone "

He looked into her big grey eyes that looked like they were trying their hardest not to cry but would if he left. Sitting on the bed , he lowered his body and immediately found Annabeth snuggling into him . Wrapping his arms around her , he played with her curls untill he heard an uneven snore , thereafter , Percy also let sleep overcome him

Just a few restless hours later, the sunlight woke Percy and he saw Annabeth turned the other way slowly shaking. That's it . He woke Annabeth up.  As her eyes continued to shut tighter,  he made her sit up and cupped her face into the palm of his hand . Slowly bringing them closer until their foreheads touched . 

"Look at me beth" He whispered , his voice clearly saying he was trying to hold back tears "look at me " 

He eyes slowly opened and stared into his . She had stopped crying and stayed close to him

"Annabeth , listen , I know what happened was terrible , and I can neverify forget myself for not being there for you. You're my world beth . I don't deserve you , you deserve someone so much better and I proved that even a few weeks ago but never again . I can't see you sit in a corner everyday , crying . I can't,  I simply can't.  Please Annabeth , if we both be there for each other we can make it through all this.."

Percy stops as Annabeth lurches forward a engulfing him in a hug . They both were sobbing at this point . "I can't forget it Percy,  I feel empty . Maybe if I had turned in time or I had ran away maybe , just maybe we both would've survived . I can't stop blaming myself and thinking that I am a horrible mother and I can--"

"Don't you dare say that"

They both started crying louder . Raw, heartbroken and painful sobs,  shaked both their bodies . None of them was leaning into the other . They were both holding each other at the same time . The supported and shook together . They acted as one both being the strong pillar and the crumbling wall . Holding the other in their arms , they stayed . They didn't know what was to come but -

It's gonna be okay


This oneshot is about Percy and Annabeth losing thir unborn child to some monsters when percy wasn't there and Annabeth was too weak to fight and entire group..

So That's done . I feel it's rushed in the end but whatever . I really want to edit my previous chapters but let me tell you . It's the most boring job on earth . 

Anyways,  thanks for reading . Vote and comment

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