One way of telling

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So i am updating ..... but tomorrow i will update all three books .. promise . Dont forget to check it out


Annabeth finally picked up his call

"Annabeth where are you , you know how late it is right now ?!?!"

"Really , how late  ......  I thought that time,  stops when I wished for it to"

"That makes absolutely no sense at all--are you drunk??"

"Drunk .. me ... noooooooooooo,  why would you think that  ??"

"I am coming ... don't move "

Percy knew which bar she would go too cause that's the one they always go to 

He entered the bar to be enveloped in the strong smell of alcohol and the ear wrecking loud music. He looked around for annabeth and finally spotted her . Quickly ,making his way through the crowd , he reached to see her face in between her hands , her head down and a glass of apple juice in front of her . Percy was really tired so he decided some fruit juice would be good . He was about to drink it when he smelled something odd. Wait a minute ...... this is whiskey?!?! . Obviously percy ... shes in a bar .. stupid you .....

He shook her shoulder 


"Its one of your best friends ... per-"

"Ohhh best friend . I friended you .... haha a friended... get it. .. I mixed friend and mixed ."

"You're so drunk "

"Maybe I am .... but I have been tricking this bartender since when ... I take a glass of this stinky stuff and I pretend that I drink it , to which he gives me more . But what I do is this..."

She proceeds to raise the glass and gulp down the content . Soon enough the bartender filled the cup again 

"Hahahahahahhahahahahahaha.  See i tricked him again . "

"Okay . I am gonna take you home"

"Noooooo. But I didnt forget him yet "

"What .? Forget whom"

" he's ma  bestttttttttttttt friend .....bloody hell he's just my best friend . But I don't wanna be just that . You know .. I did everything to forget my little crush about him . I tried working even in the 5th grade . I tried to avoid him . I even tried to date someone . Anyone

But what happened I couldnt get a job in 5th grade . Everytime I avoided him , he just kept coming closer, everyou time I went out on a date , I just kept thinking about him....... you know it always percy percy percy percy . And I can't fucking stop.  I just want to forget but I can't. ....... I simply can't . You know I have never . Never dated anybody ....but the best part is that .....I am unicorn " with that she falls back to the counter 

Percy couldnt beleive it . The only person he ever had a crush on , the only person he ever liked since like forever was telling that the feeling was mutual since 5th grade. .......but she was drunk ... she might not know what she is saying.  Percy's heart sank but he didn't loose hope

He brought annabeth home . She kept saying stupid things but in between she put her head out the window of the cabin and screamed 


to the large group of new yorkers. Percy took her to their apartment . They were roommates .he somehow made her brush her teeth .......twice and then eventually gave her some mouth wash.  All this while he couldn't beleive someone as beautiful, as precious as annabeth would ever fall for him. He took her towards her bed and layed her  her down . He was about to leave . When she caught his hand ....

"Pls stay with me " she gave him the puppy dog face and percy couldn't resist 

"Fine!! Now scoot over "

Annabeth cuddled in his arms . She Was wearing something comfy so percy didn't have to change or anything  . She slowly started kissing his chest and percy had to resist the biggest urge to simply grabbed her face and kiss her till she is absolutely out of breath. But he controls . He didn't want to take advantage , even if all he wanted was a kiss ...

__((#line break ))__

The next morning percy woke up to annabeth stirring in her arms . She rubbed her eyes in a cute way and looked up at him . She tried to process everything and then she jumped finally registering him . 

"What happened last night! ?!? "

"Nothing ..... you got drunk and brought you home and then you asked ifor I could sleep with you ... that's all"

"Di-did I say anything ... last night"

"Yup ... you yelled how you were a 22 year old virgin to  everyone in town "

"Ohh gods"

The started their day like normal. .. today was annabeth turn to cook food . They were in the kitchen . When percy couldnt stop .... in one swift moment he switched off the gas and pushEd annabeth against the wall slamming his lips to hers . He picked her up and pressed her into the wall even more . The kiss was extremely heated . Percy kept his hand in a supporting position while hers went up and down his back tugging at his hair sometimes. He stepped back from the wall and placed her on the counter . They both moved back and forth violently as their lips clashed   . Percy's hands roamed from her hips to back to neck into her hair . He placed his hand on top of her head and pushed her into the kiss even more . He trailed kisses down her body till her stomach enjoying the slight moans from her mouth . She cups his face and brings it back up and they make out for an awful lot of time before pulling apart. 

"Wow"  She breathed

"I know "

"Percy I really really like you"

"I know that too"


"Well you did announce did yesterday while you were  drunk"

" Oh gods ... what a way of defying love "

"But it was one hella  good way of telling "


It's  midnight and I should be sleeping .....but whatever 

Here's the next chp

Don't forget to vote and comment and read my other book 

See you in the next chp

Bye !!!!!😀😀😀

Percabeth  (UNDER MAJOR EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now