The Last Night

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The second day I was here Fred was sleeping the whole day which meant I was mostly helping out George with potions. I giggled when pouring in a liquid that made mini fireworks explode just above the mix. They had an office/ potions layer at the back of the store, the set up was cute, a lot smaller than what I have at home.

"I've got to admit this is fun." I smiled as George chuckled. "So the more mix smashed on the ground the bigger the fireworks?" I said mixing the potion once more and George nodded.

"Yeah, that's the main goal." Nodding there was the ring of a bell from upstairs. I sighed. Let's hope Fred actually needs help this time.

"Shouldn't be too long." Most of the time he only needs me to refill water which Fred is capable of doing its good for him to stretch his legs every few hours.

I was woken by the sound of a bell going off. Groaning I rolled out of bed changing. By the time I'd walked up the stairs George had opened his rooms door. Also just woken up.

"He's still at it?" He spoke as if it was a question.

"Yeah." I sighed as another round of the bell went off. It's just plain annoying now. My nose crinkled up in discomfort but continued on.

"I'll start on breakfast," George said patting my shoulder before I went off to Fred's room. Standing in the doorway with arms crossed I saw the smug look on his face.

"Good morning sunshine." Fred beamed I just frowned at him. I'm sure my hair was messy and clothes showing how quickly I'd shoved them on.

"Don't you good morning sunshine me. I gave you that bell when to use when you really need something not to wake both me and George in the morning." He chuckled in his spot on the king-sized bed.

"But I do need something. I've got a headache." He pulsed for a moment and I sighed walking over. This was probably the only time he's used that bell for a good reason. Although I doubt ringing said bell is helping with his headache.

"Alright what Side of the brain hurts?" I spoke while getting out my wand. Ready to cast a spell to that spot.

"Just back behind my right ear." Sitting next to him I leant over more just about to wave the spell. "Say I heard the best way to heal a headache is to kiss an angel." I froze in place glancing to Fred not even sure he had a headache. "You wouldn't happen to be able to help me out?" Fred went to take hold of my waist before I stood with a sigh.

"Fred if you haven't noticed I'm trying to keep this professional." He frowned slightly thinking deeply for a moment.

"Is there a reason for that?" Biting my lip glancing to the side I rubbed my forearm.

"Fred you're my patent I need to make sure that I'm focused on your health not...." stopping before making myself blush. Which happened anyway.

"Not what love?" Fred stood up tall over me his arm just coming into contact with my own.

"Fred please just heal first before anything alright." We stared at one another when there was a loud knock on the door. Stepping back from Fred George stood there with a mug of tea.

"Good morning you wanker." Fred knew what he did and took the mug with no regrets.

Since it was my last night I cleaned the office slightly after dinner which Fred didn't eat much of.

"Hey (y/n) I'm heading off to bed. Got an early start tomorrow." George spoke in the doorway and I smiled standing up straight.

"Alright. Goodnight." Putting all the dishes away I thought for a moment if I should check up on Fred I noticed the deck of cards we were playing earlier today, so picking it up knowing it was Fred's I went upstairs cards in hand to check upon him. Knocking lightly on the door I creaked it open seeing Fred sitting on his bed.

"Checkup time?" He asked and I nodded shutting the door behind me. "Or maybe a friendly game of cards?"

"You left them downstairs." Placing them on the bedside table I checked his temperature and heart rate before giving him his medication.

"One game of cards?" Knitting my eyebrows together I went to shake my head but stopped.

"Sure. Why not." I breathed out giving in. Sitting cross-legged on the other side of the bed. That's how one game turned into two then three. every game lead to another one slowly without me noticing Fred moved closer our shoulders were brushing against one another and this just made me giggle. "Don't go looking at my cards." Fred chuckled smirking at me.

"Then why are you glancing at mine?" Laughing I smiled up at him.

"I was just taking a peak." Fred laughed leaning in closer to nudge my shoulder. Biting my lip with a smile Fred carefully took my chin turning my head to look at him.

"You little minx. Guess what it's just past twelve." His lips were so close to mine his breath was mingling with mine.


"Meaning technically you're not my sexy nurse anymore." The moment you need to use the word technically something is wrong with your argument. But at this rate, I won't be able to stop myself any more.

"Alright, you win Freddie." His lips attached to mine which made me moan immediately. I knew I wanted this but not this bad. Fred licked my bottom lip and as my mouth opened he groaned slipping his tongue past my lips. The cards we held were dropped onto the bed. Turning and straddling Fred's lap both his hands went to my hips while I tangle my hand through Fred's hair.

"You are intoxicating." Fred husked out lips trailing down to my neck moaning into his hair inhaling Fred's scent.

"And you don't know when to quit." Fred chuckled into my skin fingers creeping up and under my shirt grasping my bare hips pushing my body right up against his chest. That's when I could feel Fred's erection he groaned once more kissing up my jaw.

"That in my opinion is a compliment." Rolling my hips Fred growled lifting up my shirt exposing my stomach.

"Of course you'd believe that." Fred stopped staring up at me. Kissing me harshly Fred pushed me back on the bed.

"Can I remove this?"

"Like hell, we're stopping now." Kissing him this time Fred smiling against my lips getting to work on my shirt. It was raised above my chest before I leant back up so it could be removed.

The Potions Master |Fred Weasley x Reader|Where stories live. Discover now