The dinner

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One year later

Things have changed so much in the past twelve months. We renovated our house so that the shop was separate from both our sides of the house. James said he was happy so I didn't come walking into the kitchen to see them snogging anymore. Now the shop was its own separate place. Our second shop was up and running meaning we spend less time on potions. James and I have been working on a book of potions plus a high school textbook. Mainly because the ones we used sucked.

Oh and not to forget Fred and I were now married. I'm officially Mrs Weasley. Although I still keep my maiden name for books and such. Keeps it homely. Everything was falling into place. George and ?&:9/?; came to visit often and with James and Hannah we'd have outdoor dinners in the backyard which Lisa party crashed every time.

I was in the kitchen putting away some shopping when I heard fred groan lightly to himself.

"Love where did you put the..." Fred came from around the corner and I held up the keys for his study. Fred likes to keep it locked in case my younger cousins come kicking in. Which is often now. "Ah thank you." He went to kiss my cheek but I turned so our lips connected. Fred smirked against my lips. "Sly fox." Giggling I let him kiss me once more. Then my neck and all the way to my collar bone.

"Freddie I thought you had paperwork to do?" I breathed out. He's always been keen on some fun but in the past year, I've noticed Fred taking any small moment to make me flustered. Not that I hated it but I'm always worried he'd forget something important because of it.

"Paperwork can wait. I need you leant over this counter." Giving in we went at it and as always Fred cleaned up while taking me someplace to lie down. Even if I wanted to help he'd insist I needed to relax and make me a cup of tea.

"Freddie I can walk you know." Breathing this out into his neck Fred just kissed my Jaw settling me onto the comfy couch and covered my naked body with a blanket. Watching him for a few minutes folding up my clothes and cleaning the counter while the pot boiled There was a sudden shout down the hall that made my eyes shoot open.

"Fred I would have thought you'd be at the door waiting for your mother." The dinner... We totally forgot.

"Cover up." Fred mouthed and the lazy spread of the blanket went to a full wrap around. "Mum dad good to see you." Fred yelled quickly buttoning up his shirt while tossing me my wand. Apparating to the bedroom I let out a long sigh and quickly got started on changing. This is so embarrassing. How could I forget about dinner? His whole family including Harry and Hermione were coming. Just managing to zip up some trousers the bedroom door opened.
"Brought up your clothes." Fred breathed and I sighed.

"How did we manage to forget? Molly wouldn't stop talking about it last month." I breathed going for a shirt as Fred placed down my clothes.

"Well she was bringing all the food, we didn't really need to do anything." His hands went to my shoulders kissing my neck just before I slid up my shirt.

"Mmmm Freddie we need to go downstairs." But he ignored me for a moment capturing our lips together.

"I'm just helping you get dressed." There was a knock on the bedroom door. "We need more time alone." Giggling at his husk knowing we get more than enough of that.

"Hey, you two are you guys gonna head down or do I have to tell mum you two have decided to make babies." George knocked on the door once again and Fred only chuckled stepping away from me so I could tuck in my shirt. Fred swung open the door and they hugged like they hadn't seen each other only two hours ago.

"No need for that. I'm not sure if she'd be excited or make me move out." The pair chuckled, walking beside Fred I held onto the door.

"I'm not sure I want to find out let's just head downstairs." Both boys grinned as I shuffled them out of the doorway and back down the stairs. Most of the family were gathered around in either the kitchen, living room or by the dining table.

"(y/n) deary. Glad you could finally make it downstairs." Molly smiled widely walking over to give me a hug. "Your parents are just in the other room with Harry and Jess went next door to get Hannah." Spotting James chatting away with Percy I went right over giving James a bear hug.

"It's been so long since I've seen you ya wee devil. Hey Perce." He gave me a curt smile making me giggle.

"You know I don't think he's a fan of that nickname," James said still linking an arm over my shoulder as I did the same with him.

"That's the point. It's not the worst thing ever... Right?" Percy lightly chuckled shaking his head.

"No, it's fine. Everyone calls me that around here." Fred and George came around, fred kissing my cheek.

"That's right Perce. (y/n) and James are family remember." Hannah and Jess were back Meaning dinner was going to be served.
I didn't know my life would end up like this but it's the best thing to have ever happening, I've even told Fred I'm glad I saved him that day. To which he always agrees with me and often a make-out follows afterwards. Along with other things.
After a few hours of eating and chatting, people started filing out, after cleaning up the kitchen and stacking the dishes for Molly she and Arther left. When walking into the living room Fred and George both looked over to me Fred gave George a look and he immediately stood.

"Well, I should be going. Cya later (y/n)." And he Apparated out of the house. Crossing my arms at Fred he smiled innocently.

"What was that all about?"

"Just guy stuff." He quickly retorted back, that did not help his case one bit.

"Were you talking about having sex or something?" His eyes went wide before a short chuckle came from him as he picked up a plate with some leftover cookies on it.

"We never talk about that sort of thing. Were you hoping id mention how we did it earlier today on the same bench we were serving up dinner?" Blushing deeply Fred smirked kissing my cheek. "That's what I thought. I'll meet you up stares." Giving him a soft nod I left for our bedroom. Only after id gotten changed and sat under the covers reading a potions book did Fred come walking in. "(y/n)." Humming in response to his statement, not looking up there was a light tug at the end of the bed.

"Yeah?" There was another tug. Glancing up just above the book fred stood there shirtless and when flopping the book onto the sheets to see more he only wore boxers. But I was kinda used to that now. A year and a half dating along with being married for a year does that.

"I need to talk seriously." He pointed slightly so putting the book on the bedside table he crawled over on top of me.

"I'm listening." He kissed along my jawline making me hum. Why does he always go for my soft spot first?

"I think we should try having a kid." Biting my lip from his whisper I thought for a moment.

"Are you sure Freddie? It's a lot of work." His kisses didn't stop. I'm open to the idea of course.

"100% I want a little you running around, pulling pranks on a little me." Giggling pulling back to see his face, fred was serious.

"Well, technically it won't happen tonight. I'm still taking the medication." Fred smiled at me pulling down the covers.

"No reason not to have some fun and is that a yes love?" Kissing him Fred groaned tugging up my shirt immediately.

"Yes, Freddie."

The Potions Master |Fred Weasley x Reader|Where stories live. Discover now