The question

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Something got court in my throat, the question was so sudden that I froze.

"I...." A loud explosion rang out making the two of us stop and sat up. There in the middle of the lake was a horned serpent. My eyes went wide recognising the dark scales and sharp blue eyes. We were in a secluded area but a serpent wouldn't normally come out in daylight. Not to mention horned serpents are normally found in North America.

"What on earth is that?" Fred breathed out as we stood watching the snake related creature sink back down under the water.

"A horned Serpent. We should go. The only time it comes to the surface in daylight is to plant an egg." folding up the blanket Fred took hold of my hand and Apparated us back near his place. He's going to ask again, it's not that I don't want to get married but with the new place and having James with me all the time was a normal. Fred could say the same thing for George and him. It would just be new to me and scary. Not to mention we'd only been dating for less than a year.

"How about a stop at a cake shop?" My eyes went wide and smiling with a big nod Fred chuckled kissing my cheek taking us through the streets towards a new sweet store.

"I'm going to get this one." pointing at the glass case while bending over I looked back at Fred who had both hands in his pocket.

"Looks good. Do you also want tea?" Stepping back Fred ordered and took us over to a small table. Fiddling with my necklace charm I glanced down to the dark wooden table. Golden cutlery to my right, a bite of my lip made Fred sigh. "I know I've made things a little awkward." My gaze drifted up to Fred who rubbed the back of his neck.

"No, it's fine. The question just came out of nowhere and I was...." Fred took hold of my hand to stop me from talking.

"It's fine love, I just wanted to bring it up because well... I want to marry you one day, it doesn't have to be today or tomorrow. Even five years from now. We don't need to talk about it now of course." Weaving our hands together Fred smiled softly.

"No we can talk, I'm just not ready to get married yet. With James and I working and the new house." A waitress came over with our tea and cake and the conversation halted for a moment to enjoy the cake. Moaning lightly at the taste, I noticed Fred smirking in my direction. "What? It tastes good." He laughed before having a mouthful of tea.

"I'm not doubting you. Just trying not to be so loud." Gasping I blushed lightly slapping Fred's shoulder which led him to chuckle. "Swap?" Squinting my eyes at him with a playful pout Fred grinned before I passed over my cake to try his.

"This place is great. Nothing but good cakes. Even the tea tastes better here than at home." Knowing the conversation let me relax a little more, not that I'd never not want to marry Fred it's just not the right time. Which I think he agrees with, is it normal to talk about this stuff before being proposed to? Maybe I should talk to Hannah about this.

"Did you want to head over to the joke shop before dinner?" Patting down my jeans when standing to make sure any odd crumb was wiped off I nodded.

The store was rather empty. It was almost closing time for the night so most kids and families had headed off. Fred walked with me to the counter where Ron was working.

"Hey, Ron thanks for covering my shift." Fred grinned holding me closer and Ron rubbed the back of his neck.

"Yeah, whatever had nothing else to do...." He breathed before George came around the corner flicking Ron's ear.

"Don't be so sour. You're the one who suggested Fred took the day off." I noticed his outfit, it was more casual than their normal work clothes. Fred must have noticed too.

"Going out on a date are ya George?" George froze blushing a little and looked down at his outfit.

"Is it that obvious? I'll go change." Leaning over the counter I grabbed George's arm.

"Don't worry. Fred's just being a git, you look great." Fred slapped my ass, not hard of course but it made me shoot up. "Hey, you were."

"Apart from the sweat on your armpits. Calm down, mate." Ron and Fred are hopeless at trying to calm the poor guy.

"Maybe I should cancel. She'll understand. I wanted to ask her to be my girlfriend but that can wait." sliding in front of him before George could leave to send an owl I raised an eyebrow with crossed arms.

"Don't back out now. From what I've heard (@381?/ is great. Don't let them tease you. You look great George. A total hottie."

"Hey don't go hitting on my brother." Fred frowned playfully. But something tells me he was being slightly more serious than he let on.

"You're identical twins. If I installed George on his appearance then Id be insulting you."

"That's not true. I'd be less insulted because I'm the more attractive twin." hitting Fred's shoulder he chuckled and George sucked in a breath. "You got this mate." George left right after and a wave of relief washed over me.
"They grow up so fast." Fred breathed wiping away a fake tear.

"You were born on the same day." Ron said slightly confused. "Any way. Hermione will kill me if I'm not around soon for dinner with her family." Fred and I watched as Ron left the room and Fred groaned in annoyance.

"Guy can't take a joke. He shouldn't be working here." Giggling at Fred he stood up straight smirking down at me. "Now that it's just us. Did you want to head upstairs for some 'dinner'" biting my lip as Fred sucked just below my ear we both heard something hit the counter bench?

"Are you gonna serve me or keep on making out?" Oh, the store was still open. Blushing I stepped back noticing the five people still in the store. Fred would need to go lock up.

"Yes. Sorry (y/n) could you turn the sign out front to closed while I serve these people." Nodding I left doing just that.

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