The Cardiac Arrest

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I was working in our greenhouse picking the herbs for a client. Leaning towards the left I hooked my foot along the side to ensure the longest reach. The client has a growing rash. Common but if not treated can become a serious problem. Picking four slightly yellowed Leaves which would be dried out for a few hours I placed each leaf into a small pouch on my left hip.

"Hey, how's that guy doing. Fred." James said down at the end of the ladder stopping it from wobbling.

"Other than trying to move about like nothing happened he's doing fine." James chuckled shaking his head. It was raining lightly outside the greenhouse, it was beautiful watching the light dispersing from the water droplets. It forced me to stop for a moment. I slid down the ladder quickly handing James the ingredients.

"And he's smitten for you." Rolling my eyes at him wondering why I even mentioned all the flirting Fred does whenever I'm with him.

"You and I both know it's normal for people to act like this when we save them." James shrugged writing down something with a pen both in his hand and placed above his ear.

"But you still think he's attractive." Biting my lip I knew there was no way to object because that he was right. James let out a hearty laugh.
"Very good poker face you have there. It's about time you're interested in someone." Rolling my eyes I went on with making my clients items. It was true, I'd never been one to mess around that much in high school, the same could be said for James until he found the love for Hannah.
It was only mid-morning so I was planning on going to check up on Fred's condition. But with all the work to do, I wouldn't be able to go over until after lunch.

James was coming with me today. Since he wanted to tease me the whole time. The store was open now for a few hours a day, which was how I spotted Fred and George serving people.
People of all ages roamed the store, laughter rang through each ear and a smile spread across my face. Crossing my arms when Fred spotted me he smirked walking over.

"Welcome. Come for the sale we have on today?" The crowd in the store was loud and full of laughter. Although they did say laughter is the best medicine so is sleeping.

"Fred what are you doing? You need rest." He waved me off which made me sigh.

"The shop is open for only three hours to get me on my feet don't worry I slept all day yesterday." Three hours should be fine if he doesn't strain himself. But I am here for a checkup.

"Hey (y/n) look. This is just like the puking pills we gave to our shitty herbology teacher." I smiled warmly letting out a laugh remembering that day.

"So you do have a fun side." Fred nudged me sending a smile my way. It was soft enough to make me smile and sending butterflies to my stomach.

"Are you kidding me? (Y/n) here is the queen of pranks. At least when we were back at school." Flicking James's ear he chuckled shoving me.

"Says you. He managed to trick one of the ghosts that a fifth-year was her long lost husband." James and Fred chuckled. But just after Fred laughed his face went pale. "Shit James. Help me. Quickly." Fred leant forward and I wrapped an arm around his waist as did James.

"Dude you really need to relax." James said as we walked through the store.

"Is he alright?" It was their brother. Ron, I think it was.

"He just needs rest and..." I stopped as I felt his forehead. "Shit. James, we need to get upstairs. He's going into cardiac arrest." We were halfway up the stairs when we dropped him to the ground between the next set.

"You have the gloves on you?" James asked as I nodded. Grabbing my bag and getting out the electric gloves James ripped off Fred's shirt.

"Three, two, one." Placing both hands firmly to his chest there was a zapping sound. No response. Shit. "Once more three, two, one." Zap again then Fred gasped awake. Sweat was rolling down my forehead and I heard George managing to make it through the crowd of people. James and I were leaning against the railing panting out of stress.

"Bloody hell," Ron spoke making everyone turn to him.

The shop was closed after Fred's attack. James and I stayed back to wait until Fred woke up again.

"You'll need to make sure he stays in bed for the next few days." James said talking to both Ron and George as I was changing the towel that was on Fred's forehead. His temperature was a little high but Fred was fine, but any more strain on his body could lead to a heart condition. A few days rest would be the best solution and maybe one of our heart condition pills or... My train of thought was halted when Fred's eyes squinted open.

"Good morning sunshine." He whispered out and I sighed.

"You're such an idiot. All you had to do was stay in bed for a week." He gave a cheeky grin, once ringing out the hand towel I draped the towel down,  his hand moved up kissing my palm.

"Thank you once again for saving my life." Fred smiled and I blushed lightly although not enough for him to see. I stood back up.

"He's awake." George and Ron stood going over to the couch as I went back over to James. It was at that moment I noticed the room was cold. Shakely let out a breath my body leaned into the warmth of the fireplace.

"If he keeps doing this we won't be able to save him." I bit my nail glancing back to the three talking quietly to themselves.

"I know." I breathed out turning to look at the fire with a few deep breaths. It's always a worry that the potion doesn't continue to work after a few weeks. The family gets to go through the same grief as before and we have to live with the failure.
The hot flames heated my eyes forcing them to shut and turn away. I had to stop the tears. Why does he have such a strong effect on me?

"That's why I volunteered you to babysit him for the next few days." My head whipped around to James who had a smug look on his face.


"Look he's technically your patient and I also have wedding plans to do." The smug look grew.

"What about the shop? All those clients." James shook his head.

"I'll do that when not wedding planning. We're both experts remember." There's no way to get out of this.

"George said he can make a room for you with the office room. Then you'll be set." Sighing James stood going over to double-check Fred was fine before heading towards the door.
"(Y/n) will be back in an hour. Come on my evil twin." James waved me over and I huffed.

"If we're using our old nicknames doubleganger than you have all the shitty ones."

The Potions Master |Fred Weasley x Reader|Where stories live. Discover now