The Potions Master

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I've always wanted one thing. It wasn't simple nor was it easy, but that's the thing. It never is. It's the things we desire most in life that come at a cost. Some great poet must have said that or a philosopher. Maybe neither. This lust I've longed for all my life wasn't money, fame or any cliche one might think of the moment a single 20 year old American girl is mentioned.

I as my twin brother have yerd to save people. James and I since birth have cared for one another and with this simple mind set we strived to do the same for others. I considered us brave even eager for the task and although some might consider me nasarsitic I believed we could change the world. It began when we learned how to make a potion to help keep our dad out of bed for a few hours a day.

Our father was a great man. A wizard who died a natural death that no matter how hard we tried still passed on. From that day at eight years old both of us swore through tears in a pinky promise that we'd stop this pain from being shared by others.
It was foolish really, a task none had accomplished nor suggested. For even in the wizarding world death was not tampered with. Mum told us time and time again our goal was nothing more than a pipe dream, a result of grief. But as the days came to year's with no budge in our aspiration for a cure of death she indulged us.

As the years went on school was an eye opener. Us being a pure blood family we were enrolled into a top high school Gatsbarian collage for the inspiring pure blood witch and wizard. Although our family wasn't one to segregate against half bloods it was the best education she could give us. As we grew so did our knowledge of potions which was the area we thrived in. Although loving the dark arts, we studied relentlessly to gain the attention of our professors. Private study sessions along with the occasional mishap landed the pair of us first in our year. Every year without fail.

Of course it wasn't all hard work. James and I made many potions including ones to stick peoples feet to the ground or make colourful explotions engulf a room in mere seconds. Our schooling years were fun and after it was all said and done with we knew our mark was left through the school grounds.

Which is was leads us here today. In a small street in New York that James and I have the pleasure to work in. It was in this same two storied workspace almost two years ago that we managed something. The goal we've longed for since our tear stained eight year old faces was alive. Here we managed to reverse the effects of death. Between the initial death and 2-3 hours depending if rigor mortis has set in. That among other things can effect if the potion works.

Knocked out of my thoughts when James tossed a paper ball at my head, he kept a laugh to himself.

"Yo (y/n) did you add the phoenix tears?" Shaking my head I nodded turning back from the blue sky window I'd been staring out of.

"Yeah, I Uh just need some air. The fumes are getting to me." He raised an eyebrow and I rolled my eyes with a smile. "If I stay next thing you know I'll turn green and you'll have a troll for a sister."

"It'll be an improvement." Tossing the paper back at his shoulder James laughed and I left for the small balcony. Breathing in the city air I sighed looking to the tattoo on my wrist. The one we both had. Three triangles in a row small and simple but meant the world to us. It glows a neon blue the closer we are.
It was a joke really. When we were kids and got separated we always wanted a way to find each other even if it was dark and this was our way now. Although we were together every day.

"What's cooking good looking?" A shout down below the two story building we were in I saw Hannah, my good friend and James's soon to be wife. She had tanned skin and beautiful blue eyes, she reminds me of our younger sister Jess. Hannah is a bubbly person and has worked along side Dean, our minister as a reseptionist for the past year. I was of course jealous when finding out they were dating. James and I were always together so to find out I wouldn't be with him all the time hurt. A part of me was missing and they hid it from me for so long but now everything is fine. Hannah knows the bond we share and never got between it.

The Potions Master |Fred Weasley x Reader|Where stories live. Discover now