The knowledge

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It was just past six as I ventured through the joke shop with a small bag is need for the night. An employee was just leaving, looking to be the one who was locking the store up and smiled when seeing me. Lee, he is a radio host but has been helping out a few days a week for Fred. I'd only had a few conversations with him, mostly about Fred and one about sour lemon or sour lime. Which is worse. Both burn your tongue.

"If it isn't the famous (y/n). I am honoured to be in your presents." The natural poshness of his accent added to the comment along with a short bow. I laughed shaking my head.

"And if it isn't Lee, you doing alright?" He nodded taking off the apron he wore.

"Yeah, about to head to the studio for the radio show." The apron was hooked along with the others before Lee turned back fixing up his shirt. "Heard your brother got married. Give him a hard time about it?" letting out a short laugh I shook my head a little stepping to the side for him to start walking out.

"No, but I did plenty of that while they were dating." He chuckled checking the time on a clock product hanging along the wall to my right.

"Sounds like what George has been doing nonstop to Fred." Biting my bottom lip I glanced upstairs for a second and Lee had that knowing look. "Well, I should get going. They're already going to kick my ass for being late." Giggling he left locking up the front of the shop. Walking up the two flights of stairs there was a soft sound kitchen utensils clanging together.

"I don't hate her Fred, she's amazing and I'm happy for you it's just you only talk about (y/n) and we don't hang out any more. I'm grateful for her and shouldn't be complaining. Without (y/n) you wouldn't be here, I just...." I knew exactly how George was feeling, it was the same way I felt when James and Hannah started dating. But in this situation, George feels worse because if I wasn't there that day Fred wouldn't be here.

"Then why not get yourself a girlfriend? I know you like a certain someone from high school." There was a sigh from George, perhaps leaving them to hang out tonight would be better, there's always the option to have dinner with Lisa.

"That's not what this is about Fred. I'm talking about you spending every waking moment thinking about her. We have a business to run and I can't think of a whole new line alone." The tension in the room grew, sucking in a breath thinking for a moment to leave. Eavesdropping was getting me nowhere.

"You don't get it, George. I love her, every waking moment is about her because I want her to be the first person I see in the morning and the last person I see at night. She's the only other goal I want in life. It's always been about the shop and we've done it and I love that, but I need someone to share my life with outside of our crazy world. I want to marry her George." A wave of shock shot through me, marrying Fred. We'd never talked about it before. Stepping back feeling slightly faint my heart dropped as a pile of boxes toppled just beside me. The conversation stopped and so I spun kneeling down to fix the products up and a gust of air swept into the room as Fred opened the door. "Love what did you do now?" He smiled and I blushed thinking of what he said to George.

"Nothing happened." He chuckled extending his hand which I took. In one swift motion, Fred brought me in for a kiss. He hummed against my lips, his hands coming to rest on my hips.

"Glad you could make it. Dinners almost ready." Smiling up at him trying my best not to think about the conversation id just heard. It would have been fine to mention it if Fred hadn't said that last line. "Everything alright?" Fred brushed his thumb across my face staring into my eyes. I realised I was just gazing at Fred, biting my lip letting out a shaky breath I peaked his lips.

"I just love you." He grinned kissing me once more, but quickly and pulled away enough for us both to walk through the door. "Hey, George. Did some cooking?"

"Nothing fancy like mum makes but it's food." Seeing the array of food along the table it was hard to believe he did this along.

"Oh, hush I'm sure this will be great." Waving him off I sat down beside Fred in a mismatched seat of the table each we're a different colour and shape. Which somehow made the room look complete.


I'd just finished brushing my teeth in the bathroom and came into Fred's bedroom seeing him shirtless, only just taken off his shirt. Biting my lip I shut the door softly making him turn with a smirk.

"See something you like?" He came walking over as I quickly placed the toiletry bag to the side.

"Nothing I haven't seen before." I breathed out feeling my heart quicken remembering what he said to George not even four hours ago. "But can't get enough of." finishing off my sentence I brought Fred closer to me by the waistband of his pants. Fred chuckled hands sneaking up my PJ top.

"How about as a rule. Every night you stay here... No clothes in bed." Giggling at the almost childish request I bit my lip lifting up the shirt revealing my chest to him. Staring right into his eyes I also took off my pants. While stepping out of them Fred eyed me up and down.

"Is this better?" Fred nodded kissing me and with the force of it my back hit the door. He's so fucking hot. I moaned arching my back so my chest hit Freds wanting nothing more than to be in that bed right now being ravaged until morning.

The Potions Master |Fred Weasley x Reader|Where stories live. Discover now