The engagement

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Two months had gone by. Full of setting up and gathering items for the new store. Obviously having magic helps 110% of the time. This meaning that how basic and general inquiries would be sent off and dealt with here by other staff.

"(y/n)!" Fred cheered and I peered over the loft upper section for staff seeing him with a large smile on his face. "This place is looking awesome. When is it opening?" He spoke loud enough for me to hear while walking down the stairs.

"In a few days. The workers are starting tomorrow to get the hang of things." Fred kept looking around seeing all the progress I made since he saw me on Tuesday.

"Too bad you're not working here. I'd love to meet up for lunch all the time." Giggling I squeezed his forearm before walking over to grab my bag by the door.

"Lucky for you. I'll be here for a few weeks helping the newbies with orders." Fred grinned kissing me just before the pair of us left the shop that I locked.

"Looking forward to that, let's get going."


Today I didn't know what Fred wanted to do but went along with it knowing he'd keep everything tight-lipped. We were in a forest that I remembered for more than a year ago.

"Oh, are we going to the glowworm cave again?" Smiling Fred grinned kissing me quickly and with the broom that he had waiting already. Going on the broom we repeated what happened last time and sat down in the dark other than the glow on the ceiling. "This place is so beautiful." I breathed out holding onto Fred's hand taking in the cool atmosphere.

"I thought itd be good to do something simple since you're working hard." Turning to smile at him I leant my head on his shoulder looking around once more.

"Well, I love it here." Fred hummed taking a moment to wrap an arm around me. That's when I saw something on the other side of the cave. It was a long dark hallway and there was a light glowing at the end of it. "What's that?" I whispered squinting my eyes trying to see what it was.

"Wanna check it out?" Fred suggested and I nodded slowly.

"Let's go," I whisper shouted and we both got on the broom flying over to the glowing ball. "It's, not a glow-worm." speaking this slowly as we were floating just below it, reaching a hand out I gasped feeling a tingling sensation throughout my body. My feet hit sold ground, I was in a new location. It was a port key.
"Freddie where are we now?" Standing up looking around it was a cliffside and a lovely scene was in front of us.

"Preikestolen, Ryfylke, Norway." hearing him say the exact location I turned slightly surprised he knew what was going on. "I thought this would be a nice place to... Well to ask you to marry me." My eyes went wide realising what just happened. My jaw almost dropped to the floor. Fred grabbed hold of my two hands. "With everything that's happened and all that will happen I want to share all those moments with you. You're the most beautiful and perfect girl a guy like me could ask for. Honestly, I don't know why you agreed to date me." Letting out a soft laugh I bit my lip.

"Well, you wouldn't stop trying to get us to date." He gave me a cheeky grin and leant forward.

"So I'm asking you know if you'll go all the way with me. To the moon and back." There was only one answer to this. I knew he waited until life had calmed down and I knew if I said no he would wait fifty more year's until I said yes. But there was no question what I wanted. Fred already waited over half a year for me to be ready but I'm ready now.

"A hundred thousand times yes!" Fred let go of my hands to lift me up and spin me around. I giggled smiling down at him. Bringing us to a stop fred kissed me deeply, trying so much to express himself through the kiss.

"Look at your hand." He breathed into my ear, a shiver went down my spine and then I saw it. A ring on my left hand, he must have linked to portkey so the ring ended up on my hand.

"Freddie it's beautiful, but how did know id say yes?" questioning this with a cheeky smile, my hands wove into his hair as I bit my lip.

"Intuition." Rolling my eyes with a giggle I kissed him again. Fred held onto my waist as we ended up locking lips longer than I could count.


James, Hannah and George were waiting for us when we came back to my place.

"Let me see!" Hannah squealed basically skipping over. Fred let go of my hand letting me show Hannah who giggled giving me a tight hug. "Even more beautiful on your hand." I raised an eyebrow at her and Hannah rubbed the back of her neck. "He wanted to make sure you liked it." She whispered winking at me. James came over giving me a quick hug before linking an arm over Hannah's shoulder. "Now let's celebrate. Drinks!" Both Hannah and James left first for the kitchen. Grabbing both Fred and Georges hands I dragged both of them to the kitchen on the second floor of the house for some drinks that apparently were waiting for us to return.

"To Fred and (y/n)." James declared before we all took a swig of the alcoholic drink. Music started playing and Hannah looped my arm with mine.

"I love this song. Let's dance the night away!"


It was just past midnight. Hannah was right and we did dance the night away till the point of hurt heels. Fred was lying with me under the covers of my bed. Resting my head on Fred bare chest his fingers circled my lower back, humming softly starting to dose off.

"I love you," Fred whispered and giggling my head tilted upwards kissing just along his neck.

"I would hope so." this made Fred turn so we both sat opposite to each other. His arm looped over my body as Fred stared down at me. Moving a hand to his cheek I opened my eyes. "And I love you." Sharing a tired kiss our lips moulded together once more before the pair of us fell into a deep sleep.

The Potions Master |Fred Weasley x Reader|حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن