Random facts about Space

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Credit goes to the factsite.com Mashable.com and  lifehack.org

1. There are 79 known moons orbiting around Jupiter.

2. There are more stars in space than there are grains of sand in the world. 

3. Only 5% of the universe is visible from earth. (Wow, still pretty though 😍 damn dark energy and matter.)

4. You can only see one side of the moon, no matter where you are in the world.

5. In 2016, scientists detected a radio signal from a source five billion light years away. (It'd take 137 thousand years to the source.)

6. On Venus, it rains metal and snows sulfuric acid.

7. Space is silent.

8. Exoplanets are planets that orbit around other stars.

9. Saturn is the only Planet that could float in water. 

10. A sunset on Mars is blue.

11. A day on Mercury is fifty-eight earth days.

12. If two pieces of the same type of metal touch in space, they will bond and be permanently stuck together.

13. Mercury is getting smaller.

14. There's a planet two times the size of earth, believed to be made out of diamonds.

15. A spoonful of a neutron star weighs about a billion ton.

16. There could be 500 million planets capable of supporting life in our galaxy.

17. It's believed that they're are more than 170 billion galaxies in the observable universe. (Wow, I want to see some.)

18. The universe is constantly expanding.

19. We are all made of stardust. 

20. There is no wind on the moon.

21. Neptune's moon, Triton orbits the planet backwards. (Neptune is my favorite planet, what's yours?)

22. Outer space is only 62 miles away.

23. Stars don't actually twinkle, their light is disrupted as it passes through earth's atmosphere.

24. Using the naked eye, you can see 3-7 different galaxies from earth. (I've seen one, I would love to see more.)

25. The center of our Milky Way smells like rum and raspberries. (Odd.)

26.  The word astronaut means star sailor in it's origins.

27. Red dwarf stars are so low in mass, they can burn up for ten trillion years.

28. There are eighty-eight recognized constellations in our night sky.

These are so cool! I really love space and it's so interesting to me, and this was also sort of suggested. What was your favorite fact? Were you intrigued by some of these facts? 

Please vote and comment what you want to hear next. That's all my lovelies 💜✨


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