Random Psychology facts

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I decided to update once a week and just continue doing 20 facts. Enjoy these facts that I found interesting that describe what is left of my sanity at this point, 'cause I can't sleep >:( Thank God for Music to let me vibe with this ✨I N S O M N I A ✨

Credit goes to bestlife.com and factslides.com

1. It takes five positive things to outweigh a single negative thing. 

2. Food tastes better when someone else makes it. (This explain why everyone eats everything I make so damn fast.)

3. There's a reason why we want to squeeze cute things; it's cuteness aggression that's caused by being overwhelmed with positive emotions.

4. Our brains want us to be lazy.

5. We look for human faces, even in inanimate objects.

6. We will always find a problem.

7. The type of music you listen to effects the way you perceive the world.

8.  The brain treats rejection like physical pain. 

9. Crying makes you feel better, reduces stress, and may keep your body healthy. (This is so freaking true, crying yourself to sleep and waking up is just so relieving.) 

10. Sarcassam promotes creativity. 

11. Living in sight of water can make you calmer, happier, and more creative.

12. Your memories can be easily manipulated. 

13.  People who swear more often are more honest then ones who don't. 

14. Having no friends can be as deadly as smoking.

15. Time anxiety occurs in a person when they are afraid of being late or others being late. (This is by far one of my worst anxieties I have, you should see me in the morning for school.) 

16. People who stay up late, tend to be more risk-takers

17. Ambivert is the balance between introvert and extrovert. (In other words, me.)

18. One in five CEOs have clinically significant psychopathic traits. 

19. Your favorite song is probably because you associate it with an a emotional event in your life

20. Phobophobia Is the fear of having a phobia.

These are so interesting. I love random facts honestly. They're so fascinating and I feel more knowledgeable knowing these things. Anyway, I'm gonna go listen to some metal or alternative, and see if it will put me to sleep like it usually does when I can't sleep. 

Goodbye for now my lovelies 💙


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