Random facts about Insomnia/Sleep

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 Weekly update. I suffer from insomnia among other things, so I decided what the hell? Let's see what I can learn about sleep I don't get to experience anymore and see what I know already.

Credit goes to live science.com goodbody.com and Etthis.com 

1. Insomnia can be hereditary. 

2. Pets and Bugs can also suffer from insomnia.

3. Sleeping pills are quite popular, despite the fact of not being able to cure insomnia. (No shit Sherlock) 

4. The average person falls asleep in seven minutes,

5.Women's hormones may play a part in insomnia. (Fuck)

6. In some rare cases, people can die from insomnia. 

7. If it takes you only five minutes to fall asleep, it's most likely you're sleep deprived. 

8. Snoring affects 37 million Americans. 

9.  The more creative you are, the more you'll sleep, but just not that well. 

10. Three quarters of those who suffer from depression also suffer from a lack of sleep. (I fucking hate myself now)

11.  Morning people are more likely to be successful in their careers. 

12. People who procrastinate are more likely to have problems with sleeping. 

13. Sleeping under a weighted blanket can improve your sleep.

14. Yoga is proven to help you sleep. 

15. The log position is the least popular sleep position. It's sleeping on your side with both your arms down.

16. Deaf people make sign language in their sleep. 

17. Snails can sleep up to three years. (Wow)

18. Trees go to sleep by relaxing their branches at night, and peeking them up in the morning.

19. Lying on your back is the healthiest way to sleep. (Does anyone actually sleep on their back? Or am I just unearthly?)

20. The perfect nap is 26 minutes.

21. Sleeping next to someone can slow down aging. (How the fuck does this work?)

Here are your weird facts my lovelies. Sorry for cursing so much, I'm so tired of not being able to sleep and other stuff. It makes me go crazy and scary and people freak out and hate me. But, 

  Teacher says that I've been naughty, I must learn to concentrate. But the girls they pull my hair and with the boys I can't relate~

I make no sense anymore :')

I hope you have a good night my lovelies ❤️


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