Random Disturbing Facts

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Facts found on boredpanda.com buzzfeed.com and scary mommy.com

1. Before you die, your last words may be "I don't feel so well." (Well fuck.)

2. Being the oldest person alive means that every single human being who was alive at the day you were born has now died.

3. Humans have enough bite power to bite off their finger. Bone and all. The only thing stopping us is our brain's natural safety factor. (I wanna try-)

4. There's been multiple cases of people actually ending up being eaten by an escalator. (interesting)

5. Rabbits will eat their own young if they're stressed enough. 

6. You pass the anniversary of your death every year.

7. There is a whale called 52 Blue that only sings at a frequency of 52 Hertz, meaning it can't communicate with other whales. It is nicknamed the "loneliest whale on the planet."

8. On Mt. Everest, you have the rainbow valley, the last zone to climb to reach the peak. Which sounds cute but it's really the colorful jackets of dead climbers who are frozen in time against the white harsh snow.

9. During the French Revolution, where the guillotine was introduced, the people to be executed fought to be first, as the blade would dull after multiple uses and wouldn't cut a head clean off at the first attempt.

10. When whales reach a certain age they will eventually be to weak to swim back to the surface for air. So they will just suffocate to death and eventually sink to the bottom of the ocean. (😔)

11. In the event of a water landing, flight attendants are specifically required to not allow dead bodies on the life rafts. No saving your dead parent/child/spouse for burial.

12. The astronauts of space shuttle Challenger didn't die until the spacecraft hit the ocean. They fell through the air for almost 3 minutes.

13. If you electrocute someone while they are submerged in water, it won't leave burn marks.

14. At any time without any warning you can die of a brain aneurysm and there is litterally nothing you can really do about it. Anyone can have one.

15.Fatal familial insomnia is a thing. It's a rare, incurable prionic brain disease that progressively destroys your brain's ability to sleep. Eventually, you stop sleeping altogether, go insane, have seizures, and die.

16. One-third of murders go unsolved in the United States.

17. Before the advent of cups and bowls, people in ancient England used hollowed-out human skulls to hold their food and drink.

18. Your cat may sense when you're dying.

19. The Catacombs of Paris hold the bones and remains of nearly 6 million people. (I wanna check that out.)

20. A body decomposes four times faster in water than on land.

These are fascinating, which fact was the weirdest for you? Any suggestions for what I should do for next week? Thanks for reading and please vote. Thank you my lovelies. ❤️ 


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