Random facts about Friendship

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Facts found from factslegend.com and factinate.com

1. You and your friends most likely share the same social status. 

2. If you fall in love, then most likely, two friends from your friend cycle get pushed out.

3. According to a study, 57% of teenagers made a new friend online, and 29% of teens have more than five friends on the internet.

4. The number of casual friends that you can handle is 150. 

5.Studies proved that if you spend more time on friends, the friendship will last for a longer time. (True, I have two people that I've been friends with for over seven years.)

6. A researcher of Ohio University chalked out five qualities of friendship, i.e., friends should be voluntary, personal, mutual, on the same ground, and affectionate.

7. Aged people who think that their friends are burden are more vulnerable to suffer from chronic illness.

8. Three to six-year-old kids consider anyone who participates with them as a friend.

9. Having three to five best friends would make you healthier. 

10. If you have a friend in your workplace, your productivity increases by seven times!

11. As of today, people have two best friends at the maximum. 25 years ago, the number was three.

12.  Older people live 22% longer if they have a big friend network.

13. In one lifetime, we make 396 friends. However, only 1 out of 12 friendships last. (That's a lot of people.)

14. We lose half of our friends every seven years. This is the reason why it is said that if your friendship lasts for more than seven years, it will remain for life

15. 68% of teens who use social media have experienced online drama with friends. 26% have had a real-life conflict with a friend over something that was said online or through texting.

16. Older people who feel lonely are over twice as likely to develop dementia.

17. Long-term couples really do have a secret. According to one report, keeping the friendship alive is five times as important as physical intimacy in a marriage.

18. Friendships are more likely to continue if both people feel like they're getting as much out of the relationship as they're putting in.

19. Several studies prove that many animals like baboons, elephants, dolphins, horses, and chimpanzees make inter-species' and same species friends.

20. If you want to make your friendship stable, then you should know what irritates your friend.

21. We can manage to have 500 acquaintances and can remember the faces and names of 1,500 people at the max.

22. If you are happy with your friends, then most likely, you are happy with your life.

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