Random facts about animals

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Credit for all these facts go to thefactsite.com

1. On average, dogs have better eyesight than humans, although not as colorful.

2. If you keep a goldfish in a dark room, it will become pale.

3. A housefly hums in the key of F.

4. During World War II, Americans tried to train bats to drop bombs.

5. The flamingo can only eat when its head is upside down.

6. A group of owls is called a parliament.

7. At birth, baby kangaroos are only about an inch long – no bigger than a large water bug or a queen bee.

8. A black panther is really a black leopard.

9. Tigers have striped skin as well as their fur.

10. A garden caterpillar has 248 muscles in its head.

11. An elephant can smell water up to 3 miles away.

12. Deer can't eat hay.

13. If you cut off a snail's eye, it will grow a new one.

14. Killer whales are not whales at all, rather a species of dolphin.

15. We share 70% of our DNA with a slug.

16. A whale's heart beats only nine times a minute.

17. Oysters can change from one gender to another and back again depending on which is best for mating.

18. Only half of a dolphin's brain sleeps at a time. The other awake half makes the dolphin come up for air when needed to prevent drowning.

19. You can tell a turtle's gender by the noise it makes. Males grunt, females hiss.

20. Squirrels cannot see the color red.

21. The starfish is the only animal capable of turning its stomach inside-out.

22.  The largest giant squid ever found weighed 8,000 pounds.

23. In the Caribbean there are oysters that can climb trees.

24. Hippo's sweat is pink.

25. The breeding age for male goats is between 8-10 months.

Wow...these are interesting. I already knew about the owl and Orca (killer whale) facts. Which facts did you know? What facts did you not know?

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