Random Facts about winter

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Credit goes to factretriver.com and best life online.com

1.People born during winter months are less irritable. (True, my sister doesn't get irritated that easily. Unless I'm there.)

2. The average snowflake falls at about 3 mph.

3. Thundersnow is a rare, but real, weather phenomenon.

4. The most snow ever recorded in 24 hours in the United States was at Lake, Colorado, in 1921 at 76 inches. Coming in second is Georgetown, Colorado, in December 4, 1913, at 63 inches. (Why I hate living in this state at times.)

5. The coldest temperature ever recorded was -123° C at Vostok Station in Antarctica in 1983.

6. All snowflakes have 6 sides.

7.Some animals possess the amazing ability to turn white during the winter: the arctic fox, arctic hare, ptarmigan, barren-ground caribou, and ermine all change colors. 

8.  Sunsets are typically prettier in the winter. Cold, non-humid air is clearer than warm summer air, which allows the colors of the sun to shine through more clearly.

9. Chionophobia is the persistent fear of snow, especially becoming trapped by snow. 

10. Snow can be yellow, orange, green, and purple. (Sounds pretty.)

11. There's also pink watermelon snow that has a sweet smell and taste. (Do Not Eat. It's only pink because of algae).

12. The tallest snowperson on record stood over 122 feet.

13. The largest snowball fight ever involved 7,681 people. 

14. People once believed that birds flew to the moon for the winter.

15. The largest snowflake on record measured 15 inches wide, and eight inches thick.

16. A single snowstorm can drop 39 million tons of snow. (No. Just no.)

17. Many mosquito species live through the winter as adults. In the fall, mosquitoes mate, but only the male dies. The females spend the cold months hidden in a protected place, such as an animal borrow or hollow log.

18. The volcanic eruption of Indonesia's Mount Tambora in April 1815 created a "Year without Summer" in the Northern Hemisphere.

 I was getting tired of  looking at tattoo ideas and listening to Soap on repeat by our ✨amazing✨ and beautiful Melanie Martinez. So I decided to update and listen to Soap on repeat. 

That is all my lovelies. Request what you want to hear next :3

Bye ❤️

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