Chapter 7 - Little Speed Demon

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"What can I do for you?" John Cena's deep voice filled my ears making me smile. I stood up from my chair, accepting the hug John was offering before we both sat down, the waitress taking John's coffee order. I was already on my second cup of coffee having arrived here at 6am. Turns out Tyson had got up last night and came down to the gym to spend some time with me but saw Jon and I so that turned into a heated discussion ending with him leaving and returning to Japan. 

"I don't know what to do but I need your wise words and expertise." 

"Uh oh" John sighed nodding a head of thanks to the waitress who returned with his coffee. "Let me guess, this is something to do with Omega leaving and Ambrose right?" He asked taking me by surprise. "I ran into him this morning, he told me things aren't going to work between you two so I assume it's because of your feelings for Jon." 

"You so good it's terrifying sometimes." I sighed throwing my head back, running my tongue along my teeth as I stared at the ceiling. My hands wrapped around the cup of coffee on the table, my feet planted firmly on the ground as I inhaled and exhaled deeply.

"So tell me what happened come on?" 

"I guess I'll start from the beginning." I nod bringing my head back down from the ceiling and taking a sip of coffee looking into John's eyes to start talking. 

"A very good place to start." John smirked into his coffee cup. I just rolled my eyes at him looking away again before turning back to face him. One of the things I loved about John was his sense of humour, the world could be crashing around him but he would always try and make people laugh. "If it helps you in anyway, Nicole has filled me in on your feelings and that little kiss the other night." He finishes rising his eyebrows up questioningly, his lips pursed together jokingly.  

"Of course she did." I chuckle shaking my head and taking another sip of my coffee. I didn't get much sleep last night so I needed all the energy I could get my hands on this morning before we fly to Toronto, Canada for a Live Show. "I don't know what you want me to say or even where to start." 

"You're the one that invited me here." He laughs loudly pointing his open hand at me, as he stared at me wide eyed. I pursed my lips together, silently telling him he wasn't helping right now. "Tell me what happened with Omega?" 

"That was a screw up." I groan. "I thought he was sleeping so I went down to the gym at the hotel. Jon came in and we just talked. But then he reached over to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear before holding my face..." I trail off smiling at the thought, I glance over at John who was studying my face and watching my body language. "But nothing happened, I went back to my room, it looked like Ty was still sleeping so I went to the bathroom, cried because I was unsure of my feelings for both these men. S I got my phone and messaged you, again Ty made no noises, no movement so I got into bed with him and slept for maybe two hours. I was woken by Tyson packing his things, so obviously I asked him where he was going. He told me back to Japan, that he saw Jon and I at the gym tonight and didn't want to be involved in that. I explained that nothing happened but he didn't want to hear it." 

"You can't blame him for that Stace." John sighs wrapping his hands around his coffee cup and leaning closer to me, his arms resting on the table. "It's no secret you and Jon still have feelings for one another and that would scare any man away from even trying because in the end when there are feelings like that, that man's gonna lose." 

"I have no intentions of getting back with Jon... I don't." I groan throwing myself back onto the chair and sliding my coffee cup along the table to join me, still holding onto it tightly. 

"Nicole said you were denying your feelings." 

"I am not denying my feelings John. I love Jon but I need to close that chapter of my life." 

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