Chapter 13 - Hometown

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The first show in the UK happened to be in Dublin and it just so happened to be a House Show that neither Jon or I were apart of. So once we set foot in Dublin, I rented a car and decided to make the four hours journey up to Derry in the North. My hometown. Jon has never been to my hometown despite being on a UK tour back when I was pregnant. My family had came over to the England instead so it just didn't happen. But this time was different. I wanted to include Jon in every aspect in my life, I didn't want to hold back this time. I was going to work on this relationship and put in 110% of effort. I was 28 now and I wanted to have the career, the family and the husband. No more running away. I wanted the family life once my career was finished. 

"I never noticed how beautiful Ireland was before." Jon comments. I glance over at him and see him hunched over slightly looking at the scenery. "Its really green." He chuckles making me laugh. We were lucky, it wasn't the warmest day but it never is in Ireland but it wasn't raining either somethings it normally does. 

"Did you really just say that?" I laugh shaking my head at him but he didn't take his eyes from the outside. "What are you looking for? A leprechaun or something?" That got his attention, he looked over at me glaring playfully before rolling his eyes. 

"They don't exist." He scoffs leaning his head against  the headrest and staring out the front windscreen. Jon protested to me driving but this was my home, I was driving beside he would probably drive on the wrong side of the road and cause an accident or something, so it was safer for me to drive. Plus I knew these roads like the back of my hand after travelling up and down them for years.

"You sure about that?" I teased, wetting my lips as I continue to stare out into the road. We drove for another two hours talking about us, about our future and of course our past. To be honest it was weird being Jon's girlfriend again, a good weird though. Despite being apart from over a year, we seemed to slot right back in where we left off. It was strange. After a while I noticed  we were driving through a small town called Strabane, which was twenty minutes from home. I moved in my seat slightly, perking myself up. "Twenty minutes and we are in Derry Jon." 

"Why the fuck am I nervous?" He chuckles, shifting in his seat and sitting up like I had done. "Do your parents know we're coming?" He asks lifting his hand to his mouth an biting down on the skin around his nail. 

"No I told them we had to do the House Show. I thought it would be a nice surprise." I tell him stopping at a red light. 

"They know we are back together right?" He asks making me laugh. That night at the house show at Wyoming after listening and answering twenty questions from the girls. I called my parents who were ecstatic to put it calmly that Jon and I had worked out our differences and had decided to give our relationship another chance. They honestly saw Jon as another son and to be honest I was starting to believe they liked him more than me but who wouldn't, Jon is perfect.

"Obviously, everyone knows now and if I have to listen to one more I told you so I will explode." I sigh, putting the car into drive once again and driving along the country road that would lead us to Derry. "I swear every time I talk to AJ or the girls it the same look, that smug smile on their faces. They only people I enjoy talking to right now is PJ and Joel. They don't go on and on." 

"I'll tell Colby and Joe you said that." I saw Jon grin from the corner of my eye, he loved teasing me.

"And those guys obviously." I roll my eyes, before a thought pops in to my head. "Did you tell your mum?" I asked. I won't lie I was kind of expecting him to reply but nothing, crickets so I glance over at him and notice he was looking down at his hands. "Jon?" 

"My mum and I aren't speaking right now." 

"What why?" 

"We haven't spoken for the best part of this year actually." He sighs throwing his head back and running a hand down his face. I stayed silent, if Jon wanted to tell me he would. I wish he would just come out and tell me but that wasn't Jon's style. "We here yet?" He asks changing the subject and looking around. We came to another set of red lights but it was red lights in Derry. 

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