Chapter 5 - Love of a Good Man

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Tonight was my return to Monday Night RAW. My heart was pounding in my chest, it felt tight and constricted. My mind raced telling me I was making a huge mistake, that I should have stayed with ROH but the papers were signed it was too late to go back. I was here for years to come unless God forbid I get seriously injured or I get fired. I also decided to make my return the same night Sting made his in ring debut on RAW so I guess a little pressure was taken off me because come on it's Sting, he is an icon compared to little ole me. 

Tonight I felt different though,  I felt trapped whereas the last time I was here I felt free, happy, ready to take on the world. It wasn't as if everyone was horrible to me, in fact it was quite the opposite everyone was amazing, I got the odd sympathetic look but that was it. I was dressed in a pair of dark jeans with black heels with my logo on a t-shirt and a black leather jacket, ready for my return. I wasn't fighting but I was confronting Nikki who was having a bragging segment in the ring later on tonight. Basically I just had to remind her who I was and let everyone know I was finally back. 

My heels click along the floor as I walked through the hallway before rounding a corner only to see Jon and Renee kissing, I felt my face contort in disgust. I was about to turn on my heel when I caught Renee's eye, immediately she pulled away from Jon wiping her lips whereas Jon just stood awkwardly avoiding all eye contact. I didn't want to let them know that they bothered me or made me feel in any way uncomfortable, so I pushed my shoulders back and walked past the pair with a small smile and a nod as I held my head high. I felt Jon's eyes on me as I passed by them, I was gripping my phone in my hand as I tried to keep my composure until I was away from them, it was honestly one of the  hardest thing I've ever had to do. 

Once I rounded another corner, I growled internally before dialling Tyson's number. He returned to Japan the evening after my ROH farewell party and to be honest I missed him. We have only been seeing each other a few weeks and even then it was only a eight times due to the fact he lived in Japan and I in America. After a few rings he answered the phone, a feeling of relief slowing washing over me as I leaned against a wall, the phone to my ear.

"Morning gorgeous" His voice groggy obviously as I had just woke him but I knew it was at least 8am in Japan so he would be getting up soon, I just sped up the process. "Hang on, I want to see your face, I'm gonna hang up and face time." I heard him sigh before nothing. I took the phone away from my ear and looked at the screen and within seconds I had the face time call from Tyson. "There she is. You look beautiful, are you excited for tonight?" He asked stifling a yawn as he rubbed his eyes with one hand.

"Nervous." I sigh shaking my head and walking over to an equipment box and leaning over it on my stomach, I was only hidden a little but it did shield me from prying eyes as I spoke to my...Tyson. We weren't official or anything, not that I knew of so I honestly didn't know what to call him. 

"About what? You'll do amazing."

"I don't know, I'm just worried I didn't make the right choice. Like I just wasn't ready to come back just yet."

"Did something happen?" He asks but I shake my head looking down at the black equipment box before returning my gaze to his. 

"No, it just doesn't feel like home here anymore and I don't know why." I tell him feeling the tears prick in my eyes. It was true, I felt like the odd man out around here now, everything was different and not to sound like a baby but I didn't like it. 

"Ah babe, I would give anything to be there to hug you right now." Tyson sighs sitting up on his bed and rubbing his forehead. "But I promise I'll fly out tonight after my match..."

"You can't do that Tyson, you have a match again on Thursday its too tight." I interrupt him, it was already Tuesday morning in Japan meaning by the time he flies out here and back it would be Thursday meaning little to no rest for him but he shook his head at me.

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