Chapter 18 - NYE

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Its been a few weeks since TLC and things really was absolutely perfect for once. I finally felt like I had got my life back on track. I have mended bridges with Saraya and Tyson, for the first time in a long time we spoke to each other via video chat it was surreal to say the least but I was beyond happy to reconnect with him again. He was still at the top of his game and honestly I couldn't be happier for him, he truly deserved it in every way imaginable. Especially after we broke up because I still had feelings for Jon. I felt I played him, much like AJ had warned me not to do but I honestly felt I had to date to truly move on, I was wrong. I can admit that now. I was a terrible person that used Tyson to get over Jon and it didn't work. I lost a friend in Tyson due to that so I was beyond happy to finally fix that mistake, for real. 

As for Jon and I we finally spent out first Christmas together in our own home just like he said we would during our first Christmas together in Tampa. I couldn't have asked for better to be honest, it was just Jon, Blue and I in our home with Ayla spirit in our hearts. After a few more days working House Shows and TV events we finally got to head home again for New Years. I couldn't believe it we were almost into 2016. This was going to be our year. 

Jon and I decided to throw a New Years Eve party for all our friends at our home, so I was currently running around the house like a headless chicken making sure everything was tidy and clean. This would be the first time Jon and I hosted a huge party for everyone not just a select few so it was a of pressure, at least that's how I felt. Jon was calm, so calm it drove me crazy. I snapped at him numerous times already today so to avoid being yelled at anymore he went out with Blue for a walk, he felt it would be safer for him. I was broken from my cleaning and thoughts to the sound of my phone ringing. 

"Hey Vic what can I do for you?" I sigh into the phone as I observed my surroundings around me, it was tidy and clean but I was going overboard as usual. I rested a hand on my hip before bringing it to my head and pushing a few strands of hair off my forehead. 

"Can you tell Sara to answer her messages, I've been messaging and calling her for the last two hours and she is continuing to ignore it." 

"Uh okay, I'll try and call  her now but whether or not she picks up is up to her. She could be still sleeping or on a flight right now." I reply slightly confused as she why she would take the time to call me when she was currently living in the same area as Saraya. 

"Wait what? She isn't there with you?" 

"No, why would she be here with me? You guys wont be here until tonight right?" I answer even more confused now than ever. Everyone was coming to the party tonight. Those that got flights to Vegas were spending their time in the hotel rooms or eating before the party at least, that's what the few messages I received from people told me. 

"That was the plan but we had a disagreement and she left last night, haven't heard or seen her since. She mentioned something about heading to Vegas without me so I just assumed she was there already?" 

"Okay, don't panic I'm sure she is sulking somewhere but I will call her now and ring you back okay?" I tell her just as Jon comes through the door with Blue. He smiles over at me before furrowing his eyebrows after noticing the concern on my face but I shake my head with a small eye roll making him laugh. 

"Okay, bye." 

"Bye." I sigh pulling the phone from my ear and looking through my contacts before landing on Saraya. Jon had taken the lead and harness off Blue who started to wonder around the house smelling the clean surfaces and letting out a huff of frustration, he hated things being so clean. 

"Everything okay?" Jon asks walking over to me and placing a kiss on my cheek. 

"I don't know. Sara left Fox's last night and she hasn't been in contact since. She said she was going to head to Vegas but obviously she isn't here yet so I'm a little concerned."

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