Chapter 24 - Work

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I felt myself wince as I watched Kevin Owens pick up the win and taking Jon's Intercontinental Title. I started to rub my arms as a deep pout formed on my lips. This sucked. Jon was an amazing performer he deserved so much more than this. Turning on my heel I walked out of the TV room and made my way to the locker room, crossing paths with Saraya on the way. She had returned to Monday Night RAW last week, she was clean which was good but we hadn't spoken. In fact she wouldn't even look at me nor I her. We literally had our heads forward and kept moving, not a second glance to each other, nothing. I made my way into the female locker room where Brie was getting ready for her segement tonight. She was going against Charlotte for the title at Fastline, I was excited for her but I was more excited for my shot which I was working towards. Whoever wins this match I will be going after for another title opportunity?

"Are you nervous for tonight?" I asked sauntering over to sit next to Brie's case.

"A little" She sighs looking up at the ceiling before turning her attention to me. "I mean being in the spotlight for the title is a lot of pressure especially with WWE using both Bryan and Nikki's injuries as a story line. Fighting for the family honour, yay me."

"You'll be great." I chuckled shaking my head as she lazily raised her arms into the air and releasing a sorry excuse for a 'yay me'.

"I'm surprised you aren't with Jon after losing the title he must be pretty upset."

"Probably but that's what Joe is for."

"What? I thought that's what a girlfriend is for."

"So you want me to go? Leave you here all alone?" I asked raising my eyebrows at her before looking around the empty locker room.

"No" She sighed following my gaze and looking around the empty room. "Stay with me."

"That's what I thought." I laughed, we chatted for a few more minutes before Becky and Ashley (Charlotte) came into the locker room engaging in our conversation before I got a message from Jon to meet him at catering. I excused myself from the girls and made my way through the hallways towards catering.

Once I got there I scanned the room as quickly as I could noticing Jon sitting near the back a half eating apple in his hand. Putting a smile on my face I practically skipped towards him, once he saw me a smile broke out on his face.

"Hey sweetheart" He grins as I bend down kissing his lips softly before taking the seat next to him.

"What's going on?"

"Nothing, just wanted to see you. Is that a crime?"

"And you're bored."

"What? No..." He laughed rolling his eyes playfully, raising my eyebrows I return with a stare down to break him down. "Okay maybe a little. Can't you just let me have the romance? "

"Jon I know you better than yourself so no."

"Mean." He glared biting into his apple but reaching his hand across the table which I gladly accepted, linking our hands together.

"Are you bummed you lost your title?"

"Nah I knew it was coming. Onto bigger and better things for me"

"What like taunting Brock Lesnar and getting yourself killed?" I laugh, half joking but half deadly serious. I knew the two were professionals but the reality of injury was still there and in fact it was rather high. Brock Lesnar was a beast of a man and yes Jon was a hell of a fighter but I just worry. I worry he is going to be hurt, be injured and be out of work. Something I know would kill him, wrestling is his life.

"I've been through worse, do we need to watch my CZW days?" He smirks pulling on my hand that he was holding pulling me forward so that my chest was leaning on the table, a playful glint in his eyes.

"Hell no"

"No?" He repeated a chuckle in his voice. "You know it was all conducted relatively safely right?"


"Eh what can I say?" He laughed leaning his back against his chair. "I miss those days."

"You miss the days of being beaten within an inch of your life? Of bleeding every night?"

"If you haven't experienced the thrill of it you don't get a say."

"Excuse you I have bled after my match's thank you very much."

"But where they death matches?"

"No, but...."

"Exactly." Jon interrupted stifling a yawn. "Jesus I need a holiday."

"Ohhhhh a few days in Cabo or Napa would be perfect."

"One day, you gotta make that happen." Jon smiles over at me before stretching. He let go of my hand so he could put his arms over his head stretching himself up a soft groan escaping his lips.

"I gotta make that happen?"

"Yeah I don't do the planning and phone thing you know this."

"Is that why everyone is messaging and calling me for you?" I asked watching as Jon dropped his arms resting them on the table, an innocent smile on his face. "You're unbelievable."

"I know you tell me that every time we have sex." He laughs; instinctively I reached over slapping his bare arm while shaking my head.

"Not what I meant."

"Of course it was." He laughs at me before standing to his feet. "Okay, I need to go find Joe go over the plan for tonight. See you at the car?"

"See you at the car." I smile nodding my head. Jon leaned down pressing his lips to mine in a firm but positive kiss, my insides twisting with glee at the feeling. I decided to stay put, I watched Jon leave catering before turning back in my chair. I decided to take this time for me. I closed my eyes, inhaling deeply before exhaling. I was determined to find my inner peace.

"Long time no see." I heard a voice that made my blood run cold. A voice I hadn't heard in four years and did not want to hear again, not in this life time, not in any life time. I felt my heart beating faster and faster as I slowly opened my eyes, looking over my shoulder I saw a man who brought me down to the deepest darkest depths of my existence. He hadn't changed one bit. His hair was still the same dark brown, styled to the side. His mud colour eyes stared at me, a sadistic kind of glint in them that made me uneasy.

"What are you doing here?" I managed to ask even though my mouth was dry. The question came out a little louder than a whisper but not much. I knew he heard me as he looked to the ground towards his feet shaking his head, a dark chuckle escaping his lips before he lifted his head once again to look at me.

"I work here." 

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