Chapter 25 - Panic

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"I work here." Ronan smirked at me. The smirk I never wanted to see again. It made my blood run cold and my stomach churn, I wanted to be sick. I wanted to run. "Cat got your tongue?" He asks pulling the chair next to me out, immediately I jumped up backing away from him. I didn't know what to say, I didn't know what to do but what I did know was I wanted to get out of here.

"How? Why?" I managed to ask, my throat dry. I knew by the way he was looking at me he knew I was terrified. Just by having him standing in front of me had me reverting back to my old ways, where I was a coward. Where I was afraid of my own shadow, I was afraid to breathe to move without his say so.

"After you left I got my ass in gear." He chuckles lowly pushing the seat back in and shaking his head in amusement because of actions. "Took myself to medical school, graduated and now I am working under Doctor Sampson here. Aren't you pleased?"

"Go away." I whispered looking down at my hands and twisting the fingers. I fought so hard with myself not to cry. I felt the tears prick my eyes, balancing on the edge of my eyelids threatening to fall.

"That's no way to speak to a man you love" He teased taking a step closer to me. Immediately I backed away from him causing him to stop, I could tell I was annoying him when his lips went into a tight line. "Don't be like that. We can just go back to the way it was and have every..."

"Everything alright here Stacey?" The voice of Joel entered my ears. I love Joel, he was a good friend of mine and I was never more glad to hear his voice. I glanced over at him, his eyes held nothing but concern for me before he looked over at Ronan.

"Fine, can you walk with me to find Jon. Please." I ask, pleading with my eyes. Almost instantly Joel wrapped his arms around my shoulders, pulling me out of catering and into the hallway.

"Want to tell me what's going on?" Joel asked once the door closed behind us. "Who was that guy? Do you know him?"

"I don't want to talk about it. I just want Jon, I need to find Jon." I tell him, my breathing picking up as I looked frantically around me. I felt myself go into a panic, my heart felt like it was about to beat out of my chest.

"Woah, woah, woah." Joel's voice stated, I briefly heard him as my body bounced off the wall. I felt warm, clammy and I had trouble breathing. I couldn't think straight, I couldn't see straight whatever was happening to me, my vision suddenly became blurred. I felt Joel's hand on my upper arms guiding me slowly down the wall under I was sitting on the ground.

"Everything alright?" I heard a new voice but I was too disorientated to register who it was.

"Get me Ambrose now." Joel demanded, grabbing my face and holding it in his hands. "Stacey, you need to breathe, slowly. In and out, In and out." His voice was zoning in and out, I was trying to focus on it but I couldn't.

"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?" A voice I so desperately wanted to hear, brought my attention to earth. "Stacey, Stacey can you hear me?" I felt Joel's hands leave my face as Jon slipped in front of me wrapping his arms around me and pulling me into him. Just the smell of him alone was enough to slow my heart rate. I felt myself come back down, my head was spinning but the thoughts were starting to neutralise. "What happened?"

"I don't know she was talking to some guy in catering, looked pretty freaked out and asked for you. We were on our way to find you and she panicked. Fell against the wall and couldn't breathe."

"Who was the guy?"

"I don't know she wouldn't say."

"Thanks for being here for her. Help me get her to the doc, get her checked out."

"NO, no." I yelled pulling away from Jon's chest. I knew my make up was messed up from the sweat and tears, not to mention the make up all over Jon's shirt.

"Okay, okay no doctors" Jon nodded using his hand to cup my face and his thumb to wipe away the tears from under my eyes. "Let's just get out of the hallway."


Jon and Joel both tried to get what happened out of me but I didn't want to talk about it. They even brought AJ, Colby, Joe and Brie into the room but I wouldn't budge, I couldn't. If I did, it would make it all real. Before long, Jon had to go and save Joe from Brock Lesnar but before he left he told Joel not to leave me alone so here I was sitting next to Joel waiting for Monday Night RAW to finish. A knock at the door brought both Joel and my attention towards it just as Stephanie McMahon popped her head through.

"Hello, Joel mind if I speak to Stacey here alone please?" She asked, Joel looked over at me patting my thigh and giving me a small smile before nodding at Stephanie and leaving the room. Stephanie gave me a soft smile before sitting next to me, resting a hand on my thigh. "You and I both know I consider you more than just an employee around here and I'd hate to lose you but your health comes first. So I ask this as both your boss and your friend. Are you okay?"

"I'm okay. I promise. I just freaked myself out a little tonight, won't happen again." I smile at her, trying my best to put on a brave face and paint a look of happiness so she would believe me.

"Uh huh" She nods squinting her eyes at me. "You've been through a lot the last few years and I hope you know we appreciate everything you do for this company. I just hope you know that you can come and talk to me anytime you need. I will listen."

"I appreciate that Stephanie thank you. It really means a lot."

"No problem at all. You are sure you are alright?" She asks one more time, I just nodded in response. Smiling she patted my thigh softly before standing to her feet and walking towards the door, her hand rested against on the door knob before turning to me one last time. "I've also changed your house shows; you are now back to riding with Ambrose. Couldn't have you two love birds fall apart." She winks throwing open the door.

"Thank you." I yell after her just before the door closed. I don't know who spoke to her or how she found out about tonight but I felt like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. This was something I wanted since getting back with Jon, it was hard being away from him and I hated it, he hated it but that was the line of work we were in. It was also a bit of good news which I needed, especially after tonight. I didn't know what I was going to do, I didn't know how I was going to cope having my ex fiancée working in the same company as me. I thought I left him behind when I finally made it in the WWE back in 2010 but obviously I thought wrong. Very wrong. 

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