Chapter 19 - The Party

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The party was in full swing. My nearest and dearest were here from the world of WWE and ROH both my wrestling families under one roof. Obviously I didn't have everyone on the rosters here as there wouldn't be enough room so it was only the people Jon and I felt closest to. I mingled with as many people as I could before thoughts of Saraya entered my mind. I hadn't actually seen her since she arrived earlier this afternoon. Normally I would have checked in on her before the party started but between getting ready, putting out the food and drink and the guests arriving, time just slipped away from me. Excusing myself from the mass of people, I made my way up the stairs of our home and to the guest room Saraya was staying in and knocking gently.

"Come in Stacey." A small voice called out. Scrunching my eyebrows together I opened the door, closing it behind me once I was in the room. I noticed Saraya was hunched over on the bed, her head in her hands. I walked over placing a comforting arm around her shoulders before sitting next to her and leaning forward.

"Hey, what's going on?" I asked, my voice filled with concern as I tried to get a look at her face. Her eyes were still red and puffy like she had been crying.

"What's wrong with me?" She asks, her deep brown eyes glancing over at me. "I don't feel like I am good enough for anyone or anything anymore Stacey and I don't know why."

"Sara what are you talking about? You are perfect and without you I wouldn't be here. You know this." I tell her honestly as I rub her back softly. "What's happened to make you question yourself right now?"

"It doesn't matter..."

"It does matter now talk to me." I interrupted her. It was clear something was bothering her and I wasn't going to let her away with telling me it was nothing and keeping it to herself.

"I've been seeing someone, someone we work with and he, we had a fight a few days ago and he hasn't spoken to me since. He called me a wannabe, said I would always been in your shadow and that no liked me that's why I was alone with no one to talk to."

"Okay I have so many questions." I start wide eyed, never in our ten years of knowing each other have she ever hide the fact she was seeing someone, so I was a little hurt and offended by that but I would have to swallow that right now as this wasn't about me. "First though, don't you dare let someone ever tell you that you are a wannabe nor are you in my shadow. You are making strides everywhere you go due to your own merit Sara."

"You're just saying..."

"No believe it or not I am not. I don't have time to stroke your ego for the sake of it Saraya. I'm getting to old to be sugar coating anything anymore. Whoever this guy is, is a piece of shit to have you sitting here thinking like this. It's disgusting and to be honest, fuck him. If I ever find out who he is, he is dead because you are an amazing person who deserves the world not an inconsiderate asshole like him."

"I really like him though Stace, like really."

"He isn't good for you Sara."

"Doesn't help how I feel." She sighs sitting back on the bed and throwing herself back onto it and running her hands down her face. "You should get back. It's almost midnight and I'm sure Jon wants to spend it with you."

"Are you not going to join?"

"I don't feel like facing anyone tonight, besides I want to get some sleep. I haven't got much in a few days." She sighed sitting back up onto the bed before standing and pulling the covers down and looking at me as if asking if I was going to leave. "I'll be fine, promise. Now go."

"Call me if you need me Sara I mean it." I exhaled loudly knowing I couldn't do anything right now. I was dying to know who it was that caused Saraya to enter into this downward spiral but I didn't want to push the subject either.

"I will." She nods, getting into the bed as I make my way over towards the door. I glance over at her one last time but she had her back to me. Sighing I walked out into the hallway, the sound of the music and voices hitting my ears.

"There you are. I thought you ran away." Jon raspy voice entered my ears as his arms wrapped around my waist from behind. "I've been looking for you everywhere." He drunkenly stated in my ear before placing sloppy drunken kisses behind my ear.

"I was with Sara, she isn't herself."

"Did she tell you why?" He asks spinning me around in his arms, but stumbling a little making me laugh. He was adorable when he was drunk, his eyes were glazed over making them a stunning shade of blue and his dimples were fully on show as he would always be smiling.

"Sort of, she is going to bed now apparently so I don't know what to do."

"You've done what you can babe, let her sleep it off and try again tomorrow. As for now, you're having a drink with me and we are celebrating the New Year together in our home with our friends." He tells me grabbing my hand and taking me downstairs and pasted our friends. Jon was right, Sara was safe here in our home and if she wanted to sleep I would have to let her so the only thing I could do was enjoy my night.


It was approaching 2am, the party was still in full swing. Jon and Colby started a game of beer pong with Joel and AJ which they were losing, badly. I had a slight buzz myself so I decided to switch to water as I had no intention of getting drunk; I never wanted to reach that state of intoxication again. I heard a scream coming from the kitchen, but a happy scream. So leaving Jon's side I walked into the kitchen and noticed Saraya had joined the party and was currently taking shoes with Mike, Stephen and Nick. She seemed happier than when I left her a few hours ago which I guess was a good thing but I had my doubts. Standing off to the side, I noticed Victoria, who had a small smile on her face, almost as if she was thinking the same thing as did. She must have felt me staring as she looked over at me, a look of concern in her eyes before walking over to me.

"It's not right, you see it to." Victoria says to me lowly, keeping the smile on her face so no one knew anything was wrong.

"Do you know who it is?" I asked her as Saraya smiles over at me raising the shot in her hand and downing it.

"She won't tell me. I'm worried about her though, she isn't herself"

"I agree." I nod breathing deeply as I watch Saraya laughing with the guys. "The only thing we can do is keep an eye on her and be there for her when she is ready to talk."

"I guess. Once I find that guy though..."

"I know, I know." I nod to Victoria before placing my hand on her shoulder and rejoining the guys in the living room area. In the back of my mind, I couldn't get Saraya out of my head, but what was I suppose to do other than be there for her. I walked over to join Ron (R-Truth) on the couch, he had Blue on his lap who looked like he was in his element. "You've made a friend tonight Ron."

"I love this dog Stacey." He grins at me patting Blue's hand who huffed in response.

"Just not cats. Right Truth?" Nattie yells from the other couch with a laugh. I found myself laughing as well. For some reason Ron was terrified of cats and during a party at Nattie's home, her cats had to be locked away.

"Cats are the devil." Ron growls bending over Blue and kissing his head as he scratched his back. "You need to get dogs Nattie, safer."

"Hell no, we will stick to our cats won't we Teez" She grins up at her husband TJ who was sitting next to her, a beer in his lap who simply nodded. But that statement alone caused Ron to go into a rant as to why dogs were better than cats. I threw myself into the discussion along with them as I tried to get Saraya off my mind, but that would be easier said than done. 

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