Chapter 1 - Guess Who Back

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Its been almost a year since I left WWE and Jonathan Good aka Dean Ambrose behind to fix myself after we lost of beautiful baby girl Ayla. Its been a tough and long journey but I am honestly such a better person for it. I spent the first month of therapy going five days a week, I slowly chipped away at that the following month and got it down to one day a week by the end of month two. Once I was at that stage I went back to my roots and wrestled for WAW again, it was amazing going back to where it all began and getting to wrestle with my surrogate family once more. I stayed with them for four months before deciding it was time to go back to America but instead of resigning with WWE, I signed a 6 month contract with Ring of Honour. I just wanted to get my feet wet and these little steps really helped me along with my recovery. I kept my therapy appointments by switching to phone appointments for a while before feeling strong enough to go out into the world alone again, something my therapist agreed with. So here I am, back in the wrestling world and starting to enjoy life once again.

Since the break up, Jon and I haven't spoke, at all. It was too hard for both of us, but I did stay in contact with Colby and Joe, mainly Joe because he was there every step of the way for me during the end of my pregnancy so in a way Jon and I were still connected as they would let me know he was okay every now and then. I also stayed in contact with The Bella's and Nattie, just because we were in either ends of the Earth didn't make us any less friends which I was grateful for, I had made true friends with them. Saraya of course, my sister from another mister, I never got rid of her in fact I was currently on my way to LA to celebrate her birthday. 

Nikki and I have been in contact for the past week, of course she was planning Saraya's party and Sara had no idea I was coming. In fact I had lied to her and told her that I had work commitments I couldn't get out of. She was disappointed, maybe a little mad at me but that'll all change when she sees me. My flight had landed in LA from Chicago ten minutes ago and I was messaging Nikki to see if she was here yet as she promised to pick me up but instead of a reply I got a phone call from the woman herself.

"Hey boo, I've literally just pulled up come outside." Nikki spoke making me squeal with excitement. I have seen Nikki since returning to the US five months ago but it wasn't as regular as it was with WWE and I missed her. I practically ran out of the airport, my case trailing behind me making a lot of noise. Once I spotted Nikki the pair of us embraced together in a tight hug, glad to be together again. "I've missed you too much."

"I missed you." I sigh into her hair before pulling back and pushing my glasses up my nose again. In the last year I discovered I needed glasses which sucked, I hated it because now when I wanted to wrestle or do anything for the world of wrestling I needed to put in my contacts and I wasn't great at the whole removal of them unfortunately.

"You look so sexy with glasses." Nikki grinned walking around the car and getting into the driving seat after I put my case in the trunk I joined her in the passenger side of the car before we drove off to Sara's apartment. There was a bit of difference about me, I no longer had blond hair as I went silver four months ago with a rainbow underneath and my hair actually matched a phoenix tattoo I got on my ankle, both were multi colour. I got the phoenix tattoo as over the last year I felt like I had been reborn into the person I was suppose to be so I felt like it was fitting second tattoo as corny as it sounds. My first ever tattoo was a matching one with Saraya and that was a small paw print behind my right ear for our shared love of animals. 

"Ugh I still can't get the contacts from my eyes." I laughed throwing my head back against the head rest. Nikki glanced over at me shaking her head with a slight eye roll, during our many face time calls Nikki had to look away because she thought I was going to poke my eye out on more than one occasion and I didn't blame her, after trying to get them out my eyes always looked red and sore from all the poking. 

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