Chapter 23 - Where is she?

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I waited and waited for the pain to hit or a voice of my deceased grandmother welcoming me into her arms but no nothing. I still felt fear; my eyes were still squeezed shut as I exhaled a breath I wasn't aware I was holding.

"That was exhilarating." I heard Saraya's voice. I began to pay a little more to my surroundings; I heard the cars passing me by and felt the car come to a complete stop. Cautiously I opened my eyes, I was alive. Miraculously we survived. Obviously someone was looking out for us as I knew in my heart that if that truck rammed into us, I'd be dead. We'd be dead. "Wasn't that amazing?" Saraya breathed, her hands resting on the steering wheel a laugh escaping her lips. I turned my head slowly looking over at her, my mouth falling open as I stare at her wide eyed.

"Are you kidding me?" I ask barely above a whisper, Saraya looked over at me the smile still present on her face. "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?" I yell at her, her eyes went wide the smile momentarily leaving her face before she bursts into a fit of laughter.

"Stace it was..."

"Don't, don't" I growled at her before placing my hand on the handle of the car door and exiting the vehicle. The cool air nipped at my skin, the cars past by me as I looked each direction before safely running across the road to the footpath. I wrapped my arms around my stomach; I chose the wrong night to wear a crop top with no jacket.

"STACE, STACE..." I heard Saraya yell from behind me but I completely ignored her running a hand through my hair. My mind was going 10,000 miles per hour, I couldn't think straight. All I knew was I wanted to be in Jon's arms. He always made me feel safe, he made me feel comfortable. "Come on it was fun." I heard her say directly behind me before she placed a hand on my forearm pulling me around to face her but out of instinct I lifted my hand and slapped her as hard as I could across the face.

"That wasn't funny; it wasn't amusing it was god damn terrifying." I seethe at her, a few passers by had stopped to watch what was happening between us while the others avoid eye contact walking away. Saraya kept her face tilted to the right after I slapped her, her eyes on the floor. "If you have some kind of death wish, do not include me in it. Either get the help you need Saraya or stay the fuck away from me." I tell her shaking my head before walking away and continuing on my path back towards the arena.

I was walking for what seemed like forever, I couldn't feel my arms I was that cold. I replayed the events over and over in my head. The truck was so unbelievably close it must have missed us by inches, mere inches. I felt something wet trail down my face so I lifted my hand to it wiping away whatever it was when more fell. I was crying.

At that moment I heard the sound of my ring tone go off, with everything that happened I completely forgot it was in my back pocket. Reaching behind me I pulled the phone from my pocket not bothering to look at who it was before answering.

"Hey are you on your way back I really want to get to Tennessee tonight." Brie's soft voice travelled through. I inhaled sharply, a small whimper escaping my lips as I did. "Stacey, what's going on where are you?"

"I don't know. I don't know." I tell her leaning against a brick wall. My breathing started to get faster, my heart felt like it was about to beat out of my chest. I felt the panic rise within me and I started to freak out.

"Stacey I need you to breathe, breathe for me." Brie tried her best to soothe me; I started to clutch my chest trying to control my breathing but nothing. It wasn't working. I heard Brie in the background talking to someone but I wasn't sure who and I couldn't make out what she was saying. "Stacey, Nattie is going to ring Jon okay does he have a tracker thing on your phone?"

"What no? I don't think so what the hell is that?"

"Okay it doesn't matter. What do you see around you?"

Best Is Yet To ComeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora