Chapter 11 - Halloween

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It was Halloween week and of course the Bella's decided it would be fun to have a costume party which I was looking forward to if I was being honest.
Nothing really exciting happened over the last few weeks, Saraya broke up with Kevin and moved in with me back in Jacksonville, Florida as she couldn't be bothered to find her own place at this moment in time apparently. I wasn't complaining it was nice to have a roommate again. It was just like old times. The situation between Jon and I hadn't improved or dissolved any, it was pretty much the same as like Saraya said, I was a chicken shit and couldn't tell him my true feelings so if we hung out it was strictly friendly and by that I mean someone else was around.

"We got the costumes." Nikki yells holding shopping bags in the air. She was using the spare key I gave her so she could walk into my room with ease whenever she wanted. Brie was behind her a lolly pop between her lips, a few shopping bags in her hand. "You promise to wear what we give you?" She asks looking directly at me. I look over at Brie and notice was trying to hold in a laugh, what the hell did she get me?

"Sure." I sigh rolling my eyes. I couldn't be bothered to go out and get a costume so whatever was in that bag I was going to have to wear, no matter how embarrassing.

"Great it's actually a group costume, it's gonna be Sara, Nattie and Stace. Brie, Foxy and I." She smirks opening the bags and pulling out some clothing. There was a fedroa type hat and a floral shirt like the one Bray Wyatt wears. As she continued to pull stuff from the bag the last item being a sheep mask, causing me to burst into laughter.

" You guys are going to be the Wyatt Family seriously?" I chuckled, taking a seat on the bed as Nikki laid the clothes out on the bed. Matching each item to the respective family member.

"Yes it gonna be amazing. Now look in your bag." She grins excitedly. Sighing I took the bag closest to me, Saraya doing the same with another as we both pulled out black tactical vests and black combat pants. "The best rivalry of 2014."

"You've got to be kidding me?"

"You promised." Nikki reminded with a small pout on her lips, I couldn't help but glare at her. She wanted us to be The Shield for Halloween. And two guesses who I was going to be?

"Can't I be a Wyatt instead?" I practically plead with her.

"No." She responded sharply. "Come on it'll be fun. The Shield Vs The Wyatts were one of the best rivalries the WWE has had in a while. Please?"

"Yeah we could have a real chance at winning the contest with these costumes" Brie piped up a geninue smile on her face. "Plus no one will expect it."

"Fine." I groan throwing the stuff on the bed. I can't believe I was dressing up as my ex boyfriend for Halloween. I glance over at Saraya who was checking out her gear.

"Am I Roman?" She questions holding up her stuff looking at the girls with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah with your beautiful dark hair it would be best." Brie nodded pulling a fake tattoo sleeve from a different bag and handing it to her. "It's the closest we could get to his tattoo."

"I'll take it. Who'd you get?" She asks innocently. She was so wrapped up in her costume it didn't register with her just yet. I heard the Bellas snigger as Sara looked over confused before looking back over at me, she was completely oblivious for once.

"Take a wild guess." I chuckle at her before throwing a roll of white tape at her. She caught it effortlessly holding it in her hand before looking over at the Bellas and joining their laughter.

"You girls are mean." She shakes her head tossing the tape back at me. I put the tape next to the rest of my outfit on the bed, looking at it. I wasn't mad or upset that I was dressing up as Dean Ambrose despite him being my ex, he was a badass wrestler who I actually admired. Id never tell the girls this but I was excited.

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