☦︎︎ 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷 - ᴄʀᴇᴇᴅ

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And so it begins...

ALSO Don't be a silent reader , communicate and comment , I love interacting with you guys ur all funny asf periodt.



my life never was an easy road. Always complicated with twists and turns with good for nothing parents ( if you can even call them that) and so I very quickly, at a very young age decided I was going to control my own fait in life and have my own story. thus, here I am now.

An assassin.

now. It's not as bad as it seems- okay....

That's a lie. It's just as bad as it seems. some days I find myself loving my job and also resenting it , the urge to be normal was regular occurrence but now i was in too deep. You can never leave. I realised very quickly the only way out was death.

I think, especially in my life , I was never supposed to 'normal' because this is my normal. It's all I've ever know. Chaos.

•# PAST #•

"Kill them."

I looked at the young girl and pregnant mother in front of me trembling and crying on their knees and found my mind wandering. Here it was, my final task to be accepted into the agency. To prove myself. To make someone proud, For once.

my small hands wrapped around the familiar, large and deadly killing machine. A 9mm sleek black pistol.

I looked to my mentors for comfort , encouragement even. Dan and Dave. The people who had trained me to be a weapon my whole life. neither of them provided me encouragement, I had to do this on my own.
Out of my own will.
I swallow my hands beginning to sweat. I've seen murder but I've never done it on my own accord.

"Please don't kill us please! We have done nothing wrong!" The mother screamed desperately, Clutching her child close in her arms. for any normal person this would spike remorse. But not me , even when the colourless Tears streamed down both their faces I couldn't feel any empathy.

I looked over their clothing, despite being covered in blood it didn't take a genius to know she was pregnant and by the looks of it , the baby would be out soon.

"Kill one of them." My instructor demands over her persistent screaming.

I swallow. The gun felt colder than ever in my hands, the weight of what I was about to do hung over me like a grey cloud.

Her daughter who she was clutching in her arms looked to be the same age as me. Around 9...Tears in her eyes , blonde beautiful curls.
All I could think was what a pretty girl she was.

She grew up with a beautiful loving mother , a mother who loved her unconditionally. A mother who Even Clutched her in her arms in the face of death, It was rather admirable.

Protecting her until the very end because that's what good parents do, something I never had.

She had everything I didn't have and my thoughts began taking a dark turn.
Everything I wanted.

I swallow. Here it goes.

I bring my gun up. I take aim, My eyes zeroing down the barrel of the gun directly at the pretty girls head. The mothers screaming intensified as she desperately attempted to shield her daughter in her arms. Her screams bouncing off the concrete walls that surrounded us

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