Chapter 1 - a hero

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Chapter 1 - a hero

It was a beautiful sunny day, people were walking with smiles on their faces and excitement as many have planned to use this beautiful day to their advantage and enjoy it, but we're not here to talk about them were here to talk about the green/dark emo schoolboy who walking to school and looking like he wouldn't mind if a car hit him on the way.

'Why do I feel like I just got insulted' the emerald-eyed boy said as he was walking to school, hating every step he took as it meant he was getting closer to the school 'why can't I just be one of those kids that don't care about going to school and skip it no problem, I mean I'm littery the best student in the school, skipping one-day would hurt right' he thought before looking down 'damit brain why are you so weak' he thought as he turned a corner.

As he was walking the normal path he takes, he saw a crowd of people looking up at the train, he looked and saw a villain witch piqued his interest and ran over to the crowd and took out his notebook 'awesome wonder what hero gonna come to stop him,' he thought as he walked and got in front and watched as many heroes came to protect the civilians and fight the villain.

"Kamui woods, he's the new hero, his quirk is interesting and could stop this villain no problem unless it can breathe fire" Izuku muttered making one of the people around him look and the boy and smile.

"One look at you and I could tell you're a fanboy," the man said making Izuku jump out of his muttering and look at the man, he chuckled and rubbed the back of his head "umm," he said a bit embarrassed.

Izuku looked back up to see Woods getting ready to use his special move making Izuku smirk excitedly 'here it comes' he thought, but then out of nowhere the villain got kicked in the face by another hero "what the" Izuku said to himself as he looked at the hero who kicked the villain but he got pushed back by some guys who were taking pictures and constantly saying "body shoot", Izuku signed.

"Hello everyone im Mount-Lady," she said as Izuku looked at her and chuckled.

"yup she gonna be famous," he thought as he wrote down something in his notebook 'gonna have to take some notes at the cafe later and start working on her page' he thought as he wrote down her name on one of the pages of his notebook.

"What are you doing there fanboy, taking notes I see," the man from before said as Izuku looked up at him and smiled a bit feeling embarrassed again, the man chuckled as he saw this "wanna be a hero too ha," the man said making Izuku look at him with a smile.

"Yes I do, it's my dream to be one," Izuku said and the man can see the determination in his eyes as he said it.

The man smiled and nodded "well then good luck fanboy," the man said and Izuku nodded.

-Junior Highschool-

The teacher entered the classroom "Alright all of you are in your final year so you should be all thinking of your futures, I got some career path here you can look into taking... But" the teacher then threw the papers away "I know all of you want to be heros so what's the point"! he said as then almost the whole class started using their quirks.

"Hey teach don't group me in with these extras," a ash blond-haired boy said, witch, pissed much of the class off.

"Oh that's right your gonna apply for UA right," the teacher said, reading through a paper. After he said that it shocked everyone.

"Wow your gonna go to the most famous hero school in the country," one kid said making the blond smirk.

"Of course that's the only school that deserves me and my incredible power," said Bakugo as he smirked confidence dripping out of him.

But What About You (Deku born with a "villain quirk")Where stories live. Discover now