Chapter 11 - Festival coming soon

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Chapter 11 - Festival coming soon

It was a new day and the one-day break for the students of UA High has finished meaning they have to go back to school, some are fine with this and some not so much.

Izuku fell into the "okay" category as an excuse to leave the house sounded good to him, he wasn't used to spending a whole day inside, especially a full day with no hours of training. It was nice spending time with his mother and Kendo tho.

He was already at the school way before almost any of the students, as he had to go to his cheek-up.

Kendo decided to go join him since she was fine coming to school 45 minutes early (since that was the only train that came earlier than the one they usually take).

Kendo and Izuku were walking through the halls of UA, Kendo heading for her classroom, and Izuku going with her until they have to separate.

"You sure, your alright?".

"Yup, never better".

"Are you sure?".


This was the "conversation" since they left the train.

Kendo was worried, yesterday they spent a long time together at Izuku place, and he wasn't showing any signs of pain, (minus the slap), but she was still worried.

Izuku kept walking the whole way with a smile on his face witch eased Kendo a bit, and also made it difficult to look at him without going all red.

'He's so cute when he smiles... WHAT DID I JUST SAY!!'

Izuku stopped "well good luck,".

Kendo stopped as well and then realized they arrived at her classroom "o-oh, thanks, you too if you want I can come with you,".

"Na it's ok," Izuku said.

The two went their own ways after that with Kendo going to her classroom and seeing she was the first one there, and Midoriya was off to the recovery area.

Izuku walked through the halls of UA, thankfully for him, he knew the way as he memorized it from yesterday, so it wouldn't take long for him to find where he needs to be.

But on the way there he happened to cross paths with a small white mouse? bear? person in a suit.

"Oh, hello there principle," Izuku said with a smile as he kept walking.

Nezu smiled and greeted the boy back "greetings Midoriya, glad to see you're doing well, I'm guessing you're on your way to your cheek-up, but is it a problem for you to come to my office after your classes for today?".

Izuku stopped walking after he saw that Neze had something to say "No problem at all sir,".

Nezu just gave a nod "good, now on your way, Recovery girl doesn't like to wait".

Izuku nodded and continued to walk towards the recovery area of the school. Nezu couldn't help but chuckle 'such an interesting boy, there more to him than meets the eye that for sure, but how much is there.

Recovery girl didn't take too long with the cheek up, Izuku was good as new for everything she was seeing. His head was all good, and all the blood he lost was back.

"You seem to have healed up nicely".

Izuku smiles "that's good,".

The elderly woman nods "it is," she walks over and grabs something from her table, she walks back to Izuku and gives him some candy "does your quirk have something to do with it".

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