Chapter 4 - Entrance Exam

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Chapter 4 - Entrance Exam

Its been a few weeks since Kendo has started training with our green bean. But she already is feeling the effects. Her training was difficult, but not as much as she was expecting tho, she could tell he was going easy on her, but she wasn't gonna question it as she was feeling the effects of his training, but still 'he's not looking down on me, I can see he's not that kind of guy, I just need to work harder and show him I can handle whatever he throws at me" she thought.

Izuku was stretching, training has been simpler lately, it's been easier when compared to what he was doing before as he wanted to ease Kendo into it, he knows what kind of training he's used to, and it took him years to handle it and keep pushing and making it harder.

His spars with the ginger were more so for her than him, he was trying to up her speed when it came to her quirk, so she didn't waste time waiting to shrink her hands back down. He also wanted to upper her combat ability but that was easier since she was already a great hand-to-hand fighter, so whenever they had sparred with no quirks allowed she handled herself pretty well against our Lil emo bean.

'Why do I feel like someone insulted me' Izuku thought as he was doing a sit-up with Kendo. When it came down to how was it training with one another.

Kendo saw Izuku as a great trainer in a way as he was good at explaining things all tho sometimes he starts muttering to himself when he starts explaining something and then just goes off, but she enjoyed training with him, he was always throwing compliments and telling her when she was doing good, but he also told her when she made a mistake but helped her to go on the right path.

For Izuku it was nice having someone to train with again, sure she wasn't on his previous partner's level and he really couldn't go all out when it came to combat but he was hoping to one day maybe he could, he tried his best to be nice to her and help her any way he could since he doesn't know what he is doing, he always asked the coffee gang (the name by Momoko) if he was being a good trainer and giving good tips and good combat technics and they kept saying yes but he was still unsure.

Kendo was drinking her water after she was done with the physical portion of her training it was time to move on to spars, but she knowest something 'he focuses on fighting without using a quirk, which is fine because its ok with my quirk, but why the only time he uses his quirk is when he's training his dodging and that's after I'm done for the day' she thought as she looked at him, as the sun hit his body showing just how chiseled out it is especially for his age, he took a sip of his water witch made her blushing like crazy as his arm flexed up a bit as he moved it up so he can drink it.

'Man it's really hot today' she thought as she looked away with a blush on her face.

Izuku closed his bottle of water and smiled as he turned to Kendo "alright, now we're gonna do some sparing, you're allowed to use your quirk" he said and Kendo got excited.

Izuku put his bottle down and walked over a bit further away and Kendo followed, they stood a few feet apart and bowed to each other, before getting into fighting stances. "1, 2, 3, go"! He said and the two started their spar.

It didn't end well for our ginger as she fell into the sand, Izuku walked quickly over to help her sit up,  she sighed, as she felt a bit sad about still losing even tho he was going easy on her, she knew that they were on different levels in combat ability and it showed, she felt sad but then felt a hand on her shoulder and looked up to see a bright smile on the boy.

"you did great Kendo," he said witch made her blush.

"What no i.." She was gonna say but Izuku cut her off.

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