Chapter 3

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Johnnie's POV:

Kyle and I just talked for like an hour. I know I've just talked to him once, but I feel like I've known him my whole life and he's going to impact my life in a big way. I don't know why I just have that feeling. I bet warped is going to be interesting, but I can't wait to see Kyle. I was lost in thought until bryan said, "Johnnie!"

"Holy shit, Bryan. You scared me."

"Well you were staring off into space, but anyway... who were you dming? Hmmmmmm." Bryan said. Why does he have to be so nosy.

"just another warped youtuber named Kyle." I said while trying to keep a straight face, but couldn't help, but smile at the mention of him.

"Ooooooo does Johnnie have a crush?" Bryan says.

Bryan is the only one that knows I have been questioning my sexuality. Plus Bryan loves gossip and an ass. So he sometimes takes the oppertunity to say stuff like this. He's such an ass. I could feel all the blood start rushing to my face. Am I developing a crush on Kyle? I just started talking to him. Is it possible that I have already started developing feelings for him?

"Oooooo You're blushing."

"Shut the fuck up, Bryan! I just started talking to him. I don't have a crush on him." I lied. Then hit him with a pillow. The truth is that i don't even know if i have a crush on him. I'm so confused.

"Ow that hurt. I just can't wait until we meet Kyle. Then you won't be able to run from your feelings. Plus we will be sharing a tour bus with him." Bryan said while halfway fangirling.

"How many days until warped anyway?" I said while trying to get Bryan off the Kyle subject.

"4 days, Johnnie. 4 short days until you get to see your crush."

"Shut up, Bryan. I am not crushing on him."

"Don't be a Debby Downer. Sooner or later you will just have to except your feelings toward him." Bryan said while laughing. Then I through another pillow at him.

"I'll be a debby downer if I wanna be one." I said.

Then bryan got on his phone and a couple minutes a got a notification from twitter and I clicked on it. It read:

@BryanStars: Johnnie is being such a downer. Everyone start calling him Debby because he's a Debby Downer.

He's such an ass. (A/N This will be the convo on twitter)

@JohnnieGuilbert: @BryanStars Am not! You're just an ass. :P

@BryanStars: @JohnnieGuilbert Sorta and right now you are just in denial about that convo we had earlier.

@JohnnieGuilbert: @BryanStars I am not not in Denial.

@BryanStars: @JohnnieGuilbert are to.

Then their twitter fight got interupted by a tweet by Kyle.

@KyleDavidHall: Can't wait to go on warped tour with so many amazing people including @JohnnieGuilbert & @BryanStars. Plus many more. Love you guys. #KyeForce

@BryanStars: @JohnnieGuilbert Speak of the devil.

@JohnnieGuilbert: @BryanStars Shut up!

@JohnnieGuilbert: @KyleDavidHall Can't wait to meet you at warped. It's gonna be amazing.

@KyleDavidHall: @JohnnieGuilbert I cant wait either. Only 4 more days can you believe it.

@JohnnieGuilbert: @KyleDavidHall I know right. It's unbelieveable. Can't wait to meet you.

@KyleDavidHall: @JohnnieGuilbert Cant wait to meet you either.

@BryanStars: @KyleDavidHall @JohnnieGuilbert Awwwwwww

@KyleDavidHall: @BryanStars @JohnnieGuilbert What?

@JohnnieGuilbert: @BryanStars @KyleDavidHall Shut up, Bryan. And it's nothing

@BryanStars: @KyleDavidHall @JohnnieGuilbert Ya "Nothing"

@KyleDavidHall: @BryanStars @JohnnieGuilbert This is weird

What if Bryan just messed this up for me? Shit. Wait. Why do I care so much about what Kyle thinks about me? Do I actually have feelings for him? No.... It's completely natural to get nervous and worry about what a guy thinks of you. Right? The truth is I honestly don't know.


Hoped you guys liked it. I have to get up at 4am tomorrow and get ready to leave to go to the hospital because my mom is having a baby tomorrow. We have to be at the hospital at 6am. Too early.

Well Hope you guys liked this short chapter. I might update some more soon, depending on when i have. I will try to update every week if I time.

Love y'all.

#Thugpugs #KyeForce #Kohnnie

-~pierce the sleeping black chemicals~-

It Makes Me Mad, Knowing You're Sad (BoyxBoy Kohnnie)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora