Chapter 28

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Johnnie's POV:

After we pulled back from the kiss, I asked him,"So what's wrong?"

He looked at me and debated internally. Then he sighed. "Everything. Everything is wrong. I feel terrified." He said.

"Terrified of what?" I asked curiously. I want kyle to let me in and tell me stuff. I care so much about him. I just want to understand him.

"I'm terrified of everything. Terrified of coming out to people. Terrified of what people think of me and judging me. Terrified of not being accepted. Most of all I'm terrified that I might loose you." He said as a few tears rolled down his cheeks.

I wiped away his tears and kissed his forehead while pulling him into a hug. "You will never loose me. I care about you and love you too much. I would never be able to leave you. Also you don't have to come out to people right now. You can come out to who ever you want to. Then eventually come out to more than those people and to your fans. You don't have to be open about it right now. You can come out when your ready and if you would like me to we can come out together." I said as I rubbed circles on his back with my hands.

"Ok...I think I would be more comfortable if we came out together. You make me feel safe and just make me feel better in general. Thanks for being here for me. I love you." Kyle said with a small smile as we continued to cuddle in the bunk.

"Ok it sounds like a plan. We will both come out together when both of us are ready." I said to make sure I had it right. Kyle nodded his head. Then both of us began to drift back to sleep.


Another short update but whatever.

Also guys have you heard joey graceffas song don't wait.

Well if you haven't, then listen to it.

I am absolutely in love with it.

Ok. Ok?

Vote, comment, or whatever.

-Pierce The Sleeping Black Chemicals-

It Makes Me Mad, Knowing You're Sad (BoyxBoy Kohnnie)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum