Chapter 35

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I don't know where I'm going with this fanfic or how long it's going to be. I might end it soon though, but I don't know. Ok carry on.

-Few Days Later-

Johnnie's POV:

I'm at the warped youtubers tent right now about to do a meet up. We are somewhere in New Mexico and it is burning up. I roll up my jacket sleeves and run my hands through my now greasy hair. I am not looking forward to seeing all of these people. Sure I'm happy I get to see all of my supportive fans, but there are still so many people that are rude and discriminating. These last few days have been the some of the toughest days of my life. I have been called so many names and have been told I'm going to hell too many times to count. I've been trying not to let these comments get to me, but to be honest they do.

Kyle keep asking me if I'm all right and I just reply with stuff like I'm fine or I'm okay. I know he can see right through me and tell I'm lying, but he just always sighs and walks away when I say that. I really want to tell him what's wrong, but I just can't bring myself to do it. I don't want to put more stress or anything like that on him.

"Hey, Johnnie." Kyle says while wrapping his arms around me.

"I know you're just worried about me, but can you stop asking me if I'm ok. It gets annoying. You know what I'm going to say." I snapped. I didn't mean to snap, but it just kind of happened.

"Johnnie, I just care about you. You have been so distant lately and you don't seem happy which kills me. You are my everything. I'm sorry that a fucking care about you. Maybe I should just not care, but no I can't because I fucking love you. I fucking love you Johnnie! Do you even love me back or was this whole relationship a lie?" Kyle snapped back. I didn't know he felt that way.

"I do fucking love you! I love you with all my damn heart." I retorted.

"Well, it doesn't seem like it. You can't even trust me enough to tell me what's been bothering you. You know how it feels to not be trusted by your boyfriend? It hurts. It kills me. I just want you to talk to me." Kyle argued back. We have been causing so much of a scene that I'm surprised a crowd didn't begin to gather around us.

"Kyle... I do trust you." I said honestly.

"Doesn't seem like it. If you trust me, then why won't you tell me what's bothering you?" Kyle said while looking towards the ground.

I lifted his chin up and made him look me in the eyes. "I didn't want to put more weight on your shoulders and be a burden. I don't want to say the wrong thing either and make you mad. I justhave so many worries and yet so many things to tell, but my mind won't let me. I-I just don't know anymore. This is all so frustrating. You're mad at me now because I'm not communicating and I can communicate. Have you ever been in a situation where you really want to tell someone something, but your mind wont allow you to and if you do tell them, then you feel like they'll take it wrong? Well, that's my situation." I said with tears starting to well up in my eyes.

"Johnnie. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap. It's just that I want to know what's going on. I don't like being left in the dark about these things. Its obviously effecting you, but every time I try to figure out what's wrong you push me away. We need to communicate, but if we can't then I don't know what we are going to do. We probably wont work out if we can't communicate. Communication is key, Johnnie." Kyle responded.

"I know, but it's hard for me." I replied.

"We can take it slow. You can tell me the parts you feel comfortable with telling me. then slowly we begin to go to the deeper parts of it. Sort of like swimming." Kyle explained.

"Ok, but can we talk about this later while we are alone. The meet up is about to start." I said while looking around and seeing Bryan, Damon, and Jordan walk towards us.

"Sure, but I'm holding you to that." Kyle said.

"Thanks." I said as I went to kiss his cheek, but he moved his head and connected our lips. He licked my bottom lip to ask for entrance which I accepted. Our tongues fought for dominance and Kyle won. His tongue explored my mouth until we ran out of breath and pulled apart. The kiss wasn't full of lust that kiss was full of love and passion.


There you go people.

Finally updated.

Woo! Yay!

I will try to start updating quicker.

But on a side note.

I had fun camping.

But I got sunburned.

Vote, Comment, or Whatever.

-~Pierce The Sleeping Black Chemicals~-

It Makes Me Mad, Knowing You're Sad (BoyxBoy Kohnnie)Where stories live. Discover now