Chapter 20: I love you?

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Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I just started summer school and its going to last until I think the 26. I will probably update on weekends more than weekdays, but once summer school is over expect more updates. It's not like I have a life. So it's not like I have anything better to do. XD

Kyle's POV:

I felt someone nudging me. I just clung tighter to Johnnie. I don't want to get up. I just want to sleep on the couch next to Johnnie.

Then a hear a camera shutter. I stay still and don't move. I wonder who's taking pictures, but I don't want to open my eyes.

"Hey, guys. Wake up. The warped bus will be here in an hour." said a very familiar voice. I know that accent anywhere it's Jordan. So he was taking pictures. I was snapped out of my thoughts when Johnnie groaned.

"What's happening?" Johnnie asked.

"Warped bus will be here in an hour. Get up lover boys unless you want to miss it." Jordan said. Then he left without another word.

"Good morning sunshine." I said to Johnnie.

"Good morning." He replied sleepily.

"We have to get up and get ready." I said while playing with his hair.

"But I'm tired." He complained and turned to face me.

"You can go back to sleep on the warped bus."

"Fine." He said.

I kissed him on the cheek. "Now lets get up."

"Is a kiss on the cheek all I get?" He said while pouting playfully.

"Get up and maybe you can get a kiss on the lips."

"Maybe? I think you meant to say I will." He said sassily.

"Just get up." I said while laughing.

He got up and said, "Now where's my kiss?"

I was about to kiss Johnnie when all a wet Damon and Bryan came out of the bathroom with a perfectly dry Jordan.

"What the hell happened to you guys?" I asked Bryan and Damon.

"Long story short. Damon wouldn't get up and wouldn't stop clinging to me like I was a Teddy bear. So I carried him to the bathroom and we stood in the shower. Then he finally woke up." Bryan said.

Johnnie and I burst into laughter.

"Shut up. Its not funny." Bryan said.

We continued our laughing fit for a while.

"I'm gonna go take a shower. Be out in a bit." Johnnie said.

We all said ok and then began packing our stuff while Johnnie got in the shower. Bryan walked up to me after he changed into dry clothes. I couldn't read his expression it was like he was thinking about something. that's strange.

"what's up Bryan?" I asked.

"Nothing, I was just wondering when you and Johnnie are going to tell Jordan about the little thing you have going on between you two." He said a little to fast.

"I don't know. I'll have to talk to Johnnie about it. Why do you seem so concerned about it?" I asked. He really dud seem concerned about it. He wasn't looking me in the eye or anything.

"Just be careful. Not all people are as accepting as me and Damon." Bryan said and with that he left me confused and worried. Why wouldn't Jordan be accepting? I know some people are bound to know approve, but why would Jordan of all people? Man I'm confused.

I was already stressed out. "Hey guys, I'm gonna take a little walk. I'll be back in about 30 minutes. Do you guys mind helping me pack while I'm out."

"Sure no problem." Jordan said and Bryan gave me a are-you-okay look. I nodded at Bryan.

"Thanks Man. I'll be back." And with that I left. I just need to get everything off my mind. Everything was so stressful and confusing. First, warped. Then now worrying about the people closest to me accepting me. I sighed and walked up to the roof. Oh how easy it would be to jump and end it all, I thought as I looked over the edge. I can't start thinking those thoughts again. Get it together Kyle. There are so many people who love and care for you. You can't do that especially to Johnnie, but how easy it would be to end it all.

Johnnie's POV:

"Hey guys. where's kyle?" I asked as I walked out of the bathroom and saw kyle was gone.

"He went for a walk. He said he'd be back soon." Damon said. "He seemed stressed out and crap."

I began to panic. I knew kyle used to have depression and I don't know if he still does. I don't want him to do anything bad. I begin to get more and more worried.

"I'm going to go find kyle." I said and without another word I left.

Where could he be. I begin walking and I see one of his bracelets on the stairs going to the roof. I pick it up and go up to the roof. I open the door to the roof quietly. I see him sitting on the ledge. What is he thinking. He has his legs over the edge. He looks like he's debating on something. I recognized that look. I used to have that look a lot. I walk up to him careful not to startle him.

"Don't do it. Tons of people will miss you." He doesn't move or respond. I touch his hand. "I've been in your situation. I know it feels like your world is falling apart, but its not worth it. You are loved." This time he turns around and I see he's been crying. I automatically hug him and take him away from the ledge. "You can get through this I know you can. I can help you." He continued to sob. "Don't scare me like that again. I love you."

His sobs begin to quiet and slow down.

"I love you and I mean it."

"I love you too."

That was the first time we said those three words, I love you. Those three simple words, but they mean the world. We just sit there hugging eachother for what seems like forever but in reality was only like 5 minutes. He seemed to calm down. I'll ask him about this later, but right now all I care about is him calming down.


I know im terrible.
Also I haven't updated in forever.
So here's an update.
I'll update on weekends until summer school ends or atleast I'll try.
Love you guys.
Vote, comment, ir whatever.

-Pierce The Sleeping Black Chemicals-

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