Chapter 23

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I know I'm a bad person for making Jordan a homophobe, but trust me it'll get better. There will be some stuff happening and yeah I can't give anything away, but don't stop reading. It gets better. Love you guys. Ok now carry on.

Johnnie's POV:

I fucking knew Jordan was a homophobe. Why doesn't this surprise me? I ran away from Jordan as fast as I could. I ran to the bunks and checked on Kyle. He was still fast asleep. He looked so peaceful. I decided to lay with him again. As soon as I laid down he snuggled right up to me. I kissed his forehead. Then I got comfortable and it did take me long to fall asleep next to his warm body.

-2 hours later-

I woke up in a cold sweat and in panic. My chest was tight and my heart was beating rapidly. I Looked around frantically, but realized it was all just a dream. I caught my breath and finally calmed down. Then I realized that Kyle wasn't next to me anymore. I wonder where he went. I just want him right now after that dream. He always finds a way to comfort me.

I stayed in bed for another 20 minutes. I didn't want to get up. Especially not after that conversation with Jordan. I am still royally pissed at him. I need to warn kyle.

I quickly got up after that thought to find Kyle. I looked everywhere, but he was no where to be seen. I looked out the window to see we were stopped at a gas station filling up with gas. I got out of the bus and greeted the driver who was filling the gas tank. We exchanged hellos and had some small talk. Then we said our goodbyes.

I walked in the gas station doors and went to look for Kyle. If I was Kyle where would I be? Hmm. By the peace tea! Of course. I walked toward the peace tea and of course I found him there debating on which flavor he wanted. He didn't see me. So I took the chance to sneak behind him. After I was behind him, I wrapped my arms around his torso and he jumped until he realized it was me.

"Hey, sleepy head. Bout time you'rr up." Kyle said with a cheeky grin. Man I love his smile.

"Hi." I said with a sad half smile. I wasn't really in the happy mood. The dream and Jordan was too much in one day.

"Aw. Johnnie, what's wrong?" He said with a look of concern plastered on his face.

My breathing began to get shaky. "It's nothing." I said while avoiding his gaze.

"No Johnnie. Its not nothing. Its obviously something. Communication is important in a relationship. You need to communicate with me, Johnnie. " Kyle said. I could tell he was worried. I have to tell him. there's no avoiding it now.

"It's Jordan..."


Im gonna stop there for now.
I'll update again soon.
Who knows maybe it will be a triple update tonight.
don't hate me for the Jordan homophobe thing.
XD I'm just creating drama to make the story more interesting.
love you guys.
Vote, Comment, or Whatever

-Pierce The Sleeping Black Chemicals-

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