Chapter 6 - Am I Wasting My Time?

Start from the beginning


Two Day's Later - Smackdown Taping 

I have yet to make my in ring debut back and I was okay with that because I honestly just wanted to feel comfortable being backstage again. However this Saturday at MSG I would be fighting against the Former champion herself Nikki before making a threat towards Charlotte that I was coming back for my title. I wasn't going to win the title anytime soon as far as I was aware but there was no harm in flirting with it as they say. I was sitting in catering with Sara, our feet propped up by another chair as we watched Joe go one on one with Luke Harper it was a really physical/demanding match I was impressed. 

"When's you segment up?" I asked only moving my neck to look over at Saraya. 

"Not until later, after the Dudley's match I think." She nodded, only moving her head like me. The way we were sitting wasn't particularly comfortable but we didn't want to move either so we were stuck between a rock and a hard place at this point. I turned my head to the right after seeing movement it was Jon and Renee. Jon was making his way to the table to grab something to eat and it looked like Renee was chewing his ear off for some reason. Before drawing any attention to myself I turned back around to watch the TV just as Joe picked up the win, Sara and I cheering for him. 

"Do you mind if I sit here?" I heard a familiar voice and a hand touch my shoulder. Confused I looked around and saw Tyson. I realised a high, sharp squeak as I jumped up from the chair, knocking Sara's feet off in the process before jumping into Tyson's arms. 

"What the hell are you doing here?" I gasp pulling back from the hug and pecking his lips a few times completely forgetting we were in the middle of catering with Jon sitting not to far from us. But I was just excited to see him. 

"I got a few days off to spend with you." He grinned before moving forward and capturing my lips in a tender, loving kiss. A blush forming on my cheeks as I kiss him back. 

"Get a room." Sara gagged jokingly. I jump out of Tyson's arms swatting at her head before taking my seat again, Tyson taking the seat that we were using for our feet. "How long you around for?" Sara asked but I couldn't help but zone out as I looked over my shoulder to where Jon was sitting. The plate of food he got himself was pushed away from him as he looked over at me with sad eyes, Renee was too busy on her phone to notice thankfully.

"Stace?" Tyson called bringing my attention back to him. I watched as his eyes followed mine over to Jon, a small smile on his face as he turned to me. Guilt washed over me as I saw a flash of hurt dart across his eyes. 

"Hey sorry completely zoned out." I chuckle nervously. He had caught me staring at my ex, that's not good. I knew Tyson wasn't the type of person to comment on it in the company of others so he will act like nothing has happened until it was just him and I. 

"Ty was saying he is here for a couple days isn't that good?" Sara spoke looking between Tyson and I before glancing over at Jon and Renee. She had either saw what had happened between Tyson and I or she caught on really quick.  

"Its amazing." I nodded, looking over at Tyson who smiled in response. A silence falling over us, I didn't know what to say, I didn't know what to do so I reached over and grabbed my water bottle unscrewing the top and taking a long drink. 

"Well this is fun I'm gonna head out and get ready for my camera moment." Sara sighed awkwardly standing to her feet, I got up along with her and we wrapped our arms around each other, I wrapped mine around her neck while she wrapped hers around my waist. "Good luck." She whispered low enough so only I would hear before leaving me alone. Sighing I bit the corner of my mouth before sitting down on Saraya's seat, smiling at Tyson who just chuckled lowly shaking his head. 

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