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His blushed face was projecting out from his white unifrom collar that was stained a bit by his tears.And if this was in an extramely romantic situation or in the eyes of kongpob we could say that - "the slightly tilted face of Arthit remained in a graceful posture.His eyes  which are slightly curly were highlighted more by his tears made his face look as if it was a watercolour drawing painted with the finest colours of the universe .His face showed beauty even in the times of distress and his features projected his heart."
                           "  Oooooy  Arthit your face is burning.Wait for a min let me quickly go and take an egg to prepare an omle...".But before he could finish his sentence his head was slammed with knowledge.Khai who got slapped to reality turned into a ferocious lion and roared while turning to look at the brave soldier who did it ." who the..".Third who used his textbook to slam on his head stood there with a gloomy face and gave him a vicious smile just when Khai turned his head.Khai felt as if his neck was snapped into two and the tyrant lion was tamed into a meowing cat in just a second.
                This made his twin laugh out loud and he said "oh how henpecked you are.What happened to you third you look too ashy?".
                        "mmm.Its because of you and your stupid friend".
                Arthit and the two people with the same brain cell as him: "What did Man do".
                      "How did you guys get it "
they again:"aint that obvious."
                "long story short , I was carrying my food back to my dorm after a heavy day and saw Man on the way.So i asked him if he could give me hand and he agreed to help me carry my food packages.And on the way he got lovestruck or something by seeing a girl on the way who was caming to ask something to us".Before he could close his mouth Khai's express delivery reached there with two boxes of his beloved's favourite foods.No one know when he went or when he came back .
                       Khai roared:" ae useless brother how dare you do something to my "
Arthit "future mistress"finished the sentence
Before Khai could continue Pick asked "what did I do sis in law ".
    "You indirectly fed me poison this morning.Babe gave me a pot of undigestible potion kinda thing as he was zoned out competely this morning while cooking."Everybody was amazed at first and then their faces was filled with pity.Third snorted and said "Aw i could change the emotions on the face of my dear bro in law again as i saw that my babe's face is about to get red by crying hard.I saw that he was sorrowful as you again broke his heart by making him wait there for his forgotten romantic date ".
                            Pick's face didnt change much but everyone know how his mind is working right now .
Inside his mind
mini Pick workers of Pick's mind:Alert Alert (sounds of sirens everywhere)
Pack the things QUICK ASAP.
activate find a reason squard
deactivate tsudere mode
emergency call  to the care babe squad
back to the world

"guys i think that i forgot to take something from class.You guys continue having fun.I will be back in a minute." And he sprinted off in a speed beating bolt.
                  Arthit sighed and said while looking at the direction he went"Who is gonna tell him that a month is not a minute.And dont start your pda right now."And he facepalmed himself the moment he turned to see that they started it already .
                      "Whatever.You guys will never learn.Guys try to be like me a bit.Even if I get a girlfriend i will always keep my friends in the first place."Said by the guy who left his friends in the zoo to get a gift with Kongpob.This made Khai and Third look at each other in complete agreement .
                      Arthit asked "And by the way, where is Pete?The last time i saw him he was on his phone talking about flavours of something.Did you guys see him today? "
              Khai and Third shook their
heads indicating that they have no idea.
"Lemme call him then." Arthit dialed the number and his call was taken after a decade.
             "What is it Art? Be quick.I am in a hurry."
"What are you doing ?"
"I am at Kao's place and we are doing
homework.Bye Bye."Pete believed that he had cut the call.So he threw the phone(dont worry guys it didnt break)
and went after Kao shouting .
"Tutor lemme teach you a new lesson."
Arthit thought"was he or Kao the tutor.And his thoughts and phone call came to an end by a slap and a moan.
                       Three pair of eyes were opened up fully in astonishment.And a tense and awkward moment was made between them without much effort.Now it is hard to break it.
                  But within seconds it was broken by the mighty Man who came swinging as if he was drunk in the wind and sat down with a thud.
                     Three of them shoved him hard allowing him to be thrown back to reality.
              "Yo whats up".
"I saw an angel.She was so beautiful and she came near me with her beautiful eyes.She enlightened me with her beautiful sound.It flowed through my ears like music .I cant forget her.Her beauty is making me drunk.I think I am in love with her."
Three #don'tknowanything buddies in unison: "Huh!!?"
Guess what maybe i will make man straight .Hehehehe

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