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Arthit counted till 30 and turned around to see the deserted place with only him looking around the place like an owl rotating its head.He took a deep breath, stood still , sharpened his ears and waited for any sounds from his surrounding .......

                          And just as he had predicted ,one of  his clumsy little buddies tripped over something and a huge commotion broke out from a closed room nearby and he floated over to that room like he was a ghost that didnt had any leg,without making
any sound.He stood in front of the room for a second and with a proud look he oprned the door quietly.
                            He entered the room with soft steps and then stood there examining the room near the door .That room looked as if it was a storeroom but in reality it was actually Boss's dear little second bedroom. The room had boxes arranged in bizzare structure near the walls.
                                As Arthit couldnt see anyone from there he decided to check behind the boxes and just as he was almost at the centre of the room he felt something touching his waist and before he could move away he was tightly held into that person's arms.Eventhough he knew who that was , he said " Which idiot is looking for a beating ? " and he inwardly chuckled.
The other didnt make any sound but just nustled into his nook and sighed softly and after a while he said " At last i got a private place to give you my answer ."

                         2 days back
          Tring tring
     Arthit's phone which was relaxing on his bed started ringing.Arthit who was doing his altime favourite hobby turned his chair and dragged it to the bed while sitting on it to take the phone and just as he took the call a shout echoed from his phone. "Arthit get back here right now .How dare you elope with that guy." It was his mom.
"Mom what are you talking about?I didnt go anywhere ."He asked.
           " What do you mean by you didnt go anywhere.I know whats going on .Your friends are giving me all the informations about how you are with that guy Kongpob.And also you are not answering my calls for the past 59 hours."
               "Mom I really didnt go anywhere and also my phone had some problem and it only started working some time ago."
    "If it only started working a while ago then how did it magically start right now."
                  Arthit thought the same " Yeah , why did it start to work right at this time to get me scolded "
                "I dont know mom."
"Thats ok but you are not even mentioning about your boyfriend?"
        "No mom...... He is not my boyfriend."He couldnt say it without any stops because his mother's question had brought back back the questioned he had since the past few months.
His mom said"If thats it then I am cutting the call.I will call youin the evening .Bye"
             Arthit who was dazed for a while decided to get out of his      heart issues and he typed a long message on this to Kong and then pressed sent.He asked him to give the answer when they meet in person.Since Kong had gone to visit his parents back home.Arthit was sure that even if he reject his proposal , he will not shatter his heart or humiliate him.So he waited for the answer that was connected to his heart.

         Back in the present
                   Arthit became rigid and he knew it was the moment for which he was waiting for and his heart started to beat faster." Did you really think about it ?" He asked. 
                         " Yes, And my answer will not change even if the world ends.I knew this answer from the day I met you.But dont just think of this as a love based on looks.But p' ,I love the real you who i know from the day i met you.
I know you and your heart.I always watched you and your every moment seriously so i know my answer is true to my heart.And the love I have for you only became higher.
                   But P' I still need to know you more . So lets use the rest of our lives understanding each other."

                Just as his words fell Arthit turned his face towards Kong and they both said.

                         "I Love You"

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