Truths unfolding a bit

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Arthit:Kong i am tired doing the groceries
Kong:Dont worry na P' we are here
                    He pointed towards a grand restaurant and smiled widely .
Arthit :Dont tell me that we are going to have food here.Oh you dont know how many times i wished to come here but my stupid gang wont come with me .Whenever i ask them to come ,Khai has to go to buys new films ,Pick has to
do something with a country and Pete has to go see his so called new friend.Leave it . Lets gooooo
                         Kong smiled at the cutey Arthit who is half running to the restaurant with a full smiley face.
Arthit:Kong wait na ,I will be back  I have to go to the toilet now .
Kong: Ive been waiting long  already and it wont hurt if i wait a bit more.
Arthit nodded his head with a kinda confused face.And he didnt turn back as he already knew that someone is already tracing him with his eyes.
                         Beep beep.Kong's face was driven to his phone by the ringtone if not he would have been searching for Arthit with his eyes now.
  Hello mom .
(oh my sweety are you fine .I was thinking about so i made a call to you)
I am fine mom.What about you?
(I am fine as long as my sweety is fine.Are you at your room dear)
No mom.I am at a restaurant to have dinner with my special someone
(oh I didnt knew that my baby has grown this much .Baby oh i will call you later na you father has reached home.You know how much your father will sulk if i dont go now. Call me when you reach home na dear. And always stay where you heart belongs na. Bye)
bye mom.
Kong cuts the call and looked at the direction Arthit went.
Yes mom I am where my heart is.
Arthit came back and they sat down and ordered food.Arthit was so happy that he got to eat food there and he was especially pleasent that Kong took him there.
                   Beep Beep
Arthit took his phone and examined who is calling him now which made him roll his eyes really badly because it was his sister with whom he always had quarrel .

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