truths unfolded a bit(part 2)

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Arthit couldnt help but roll his eyes by seeing the name of the person calling.
The name displayed  "nuisence".
Hello sis.What do you want now?
(hey dont be that rude.Its your dear mom who wants to talk with you now)
          He could hear clearly that his mom was shouting raged deeply
(mom:how dare my son do such a thing to me.How can he fall in love with someone.I wont let this happen.I will ruin this relationship)
                 He could now clearly picturise his mothers angry yet a bit sulky face right there right then.But thats not what that matters who is in a relationship and why would she wreck it?
(tell you lover to go meet your mother okay other wise i wont be able to hold any longer)
I dont have any lover
(dont try to fool me.It was your lover who himself told this)

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