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His arms let go of my back and he put them to either sides of my shoulders. I couldn't even tell if he was breathing. "Are you okay?" I asked.

He didn't say anything. He just nodded. But, even though it was about two seconds, I looked into those eyes, wanting to determine if what color they were. "Oh! so their green!"

"What?" This was the first thing he ever said to me.

"Your eyes. They're green."

He looked at me. as if I was stupid and got off of me. He then walked back into his position. Kita ran over to me.

"Are you okay Y/N?"

"Oh yeah, I'm fine! Thanks for asking Kita-san. Sorry that was my fault." I sat up.

"No one makes a mistake on their own. Everyone is responsible for each other." He kindly smiled and gave me his hand to help me stand up. I took it and once I stood up, I gave him a big smile back. I then saw that he was still holding my hand. I looked at it, and then he did, and he let go and walked back into his position in the front row with the hand that was holding mine on the back of his head. I couldn't help but smile.

The game ended with the other team winning, 15-13. Atsumu looked at me and stuck his tongue out.  I rolled my eyes out stuck my tongue back at him. We had a ten minute break before the boys do some studying about who they're playing against tomorrow so I went to go fill up everyone's water bottle since I'm still the manager.

I held five bottles at a time.

That was a mistake. 

I was looking at Kita talking to the coach and while I was walking the opposite direction. One of the bottles popped open, and the water fell directly on him.

On Suna.

He looked at me with his almost bored eyes, now wide open, in rage. I put the other four water bottles on the bleacher.

"Oh my god. I am SO sorry. WAIT YOU MUST BE FREEZING!" I quickly ran to get a towel from the supply room and came back to give it to him. He snatched out of my hand and said,

"You're just a good for nothing."

Atsumu was right next to us to hear Suna say that.


Everyone was looking at us. I looked at Atsumu, then at Suna.

I don't know why, but I started laughing. I was so embarrassed. But, I didn't want to cry. Especially not on my first day. So to hold in the tears I was feeling coming forward, I laughed.

"I am definitely clumsy. But, on the bright side, you were probably feeling really hot from the practice so I think in a way I was able to cool you down since the water wasn't exactly "hot" either." 

Suna said, "God. You're annoying"

I didn't say anything back. I just smiled. I didn't want to screw anything on the first day.

I took the other empty water bottles I had to fill for the rest of the team, filled them up but took them back with smaller numbers, so I don't make the same mistake again, and Coach said I could leave since it was already 8 and practice would only be five minutes longer.

I went to the Girl's Locker Room. Thank god I had packed some sweatpants because it was FREEZING outside.  When I unzipped my bag, which was just on the floor, I saw my keys, my school uniform, and my regular shoes. But my sweatpants were not in there.

I forgot to pack my sweatpants. Good one Y/N.

Luckily, I checked my phone to see if there was a bus stop to my part of town nearby, and indeed there was. I RAN from the locker room with my bags and sat down for a minute on the bus bench. I looked up at the night sky, it was really pretty. I heard footsteps run up towards the bus bench. Since it was dark, I couldn't tell who it was until they came closer, near the street light.

Lit up by the moonlight and that street light, was none other than Suna, who was looking at me sitting on the bus bench.

"Please don't tell me you're taking the bus."

"And what if I am?" I talked back.

"I would much rather walk home than see you."

"First of all, you've only talked to me today. Today only. You don't have enough circumstantial evidence to COMPLETELY dislike me. So I would advise you to stop being so overdramatic and dead set on finding me so annoying."

His hands were in his pockets of his sweatpants, so I guess he had the opportunity to change. I stood up as I saw the bus come into view, "And besides, I love walking more than taking the bus, but I don't exactly feel like walking a lot today after my first practice." 

As the bus stopped, I walked on then sat in the back of the bus. He came in the back and set opposite of me.

The first 7 minutes were quiet. I looked out of my window and I knew he was on his phone. "Why are you wearing shorts in the freezing cold?" He asked in his deep, dark voice. 

"Why can't I wear shorts in 32 degree weather?" I clapped back.

After giving me a stare, "Okay." That's all he said.

"It's because I left my sweats at home." I said, still avoiding eye contact with him.

He didn't say anything in return. His eyes were still on his phone, which is where they were this whole time. 

For another 5 minutes, absolute silence. I realized he didn't get off of the past two stops.

I asked, "Are you following me?"

He then looked up from his phone then at me.

"Why would I possibly follow you?" He said in that yet again deep voice.

"Well you haven't gotten off. What stop do you get off at?"

"The next one."

"Oh! Same! I've never taken the bus from here at night, so I guess we didn't know we lived nearby."

He then said, "I did."

Silence for a couple of seconds. I nodded my head.

"Oh" was all I could say. Then just silence again. We had a minute left before we got to our stop. I took out my school uniform jacket and put it over my legs which were freezing. Once we got to our stop. I got out of the bus first, then Suna. He was walking the opposite direction, so I figured he lived in the neighborhood next to me. He had his earphones in his ears.

I yelled, "See you tomorrow!" He turned around to look at me.

I waved with a smile on my face. I wasn't going to let this guy make me upset.

Besides, he's not my ex. He's not Oikawa.

None of these volleyball players are going to be able to get me super mad anytime soon. At least I hope.

Without smiling, he turned around and kept walking.

"Just smile Y/N. It's a new day tomorrow."

And I headed home.

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